To be fair a ring is much more marginal than a weapon, and the classes that benefit from it the most are also the least gear dependent (in the leveling phase).
Edit: I was thinking of the int ring from earlier.
To be fair a ring is much more marginal than a weapon, and the classes that benefit from it the most are also the least gear dependent (in the leveling phase).
Edit: I was thinking of the int ring from earlier.
Doesn’t matter. It’s proper etiquette. You can’t off-spec loot and expect no one to ever be rightfully upset. It’s beyond common sense and I shouldn’t need to explain it to you but if you really want me to do so I will.
You just don’t get it do you. If I was a rogue or warrior I would write ur name down. Roll need everytime on a range weapon.
Do you think melee is a hunter off spec or what? All hunters equip melee weapons.
Same goes for the ranged weapons.
Well okay, that’s a little unreasonable considering I pass melee weapons for melee classes, but I guess I can write your name down and roll against you on them. Quid pro quo I suppose.
Lower levels shows you who or what type of person they are.
Suggest not rolling in a raid with some of them. Meh what do I know.
Fair enough. I mean, I didn’t have any rings (but neither did anyone, afaik), and the ring I mentioned did have a big splash of stam (who doesn’t like stam), but obviously as the instance tank, I would benefit much more from it than the mage (for that instance at least).
But yeah, it’s not nearly as big of a deal as a primary weapon. My only point was that at these levels, and running with people who are not in our guilds, it’s nice to be nice, but not necessarily required.
With the populations the way they are, we’ll see how server reputation factors into grouping over the long wrong. That’ll be interesting…
I would say yes, if the stats are favorable… like if it’s a +agility range weapon…
Otherwise I disagree.
Meh. If you’re in my server put you on ignore.
Good to know. I prefer not to play with narcissists anyway.
All rogues use melee as their main source of DPS. A hunter uses a ranged wep. If the scenario was reversed and it was a stat stick vs main wep for hunter I’d be on the hunters side. Do you not understand the difference?
Meh. Good luck at end game and keep thinking of yourself.
I do understand the difference. I’m just saying your off spec main spec example is not really on topic. I personally pass pretty much all melee weapons to melee classes, with exceptions where I know they can easily get something better and it’s particularly good for me. I’m just trying to keep you ‘hunters never melee’ folk tethered to reality.
You understand what it means when I say I pass on gear that’s more useful to the strangers I’m playing with right? I even pass on upgrades to other hunters if it’s a bigger upgrade for them than it is for me. That is not ‘thinking of myself’. You seem to have created this charicature of me as being everything you dislike because I don’t hold the precise same opinions as you. It’s very distasteful.
It was an example to explain loot etiquette. Another example of bad etiquette would be in the OPs story so that’s why I didn’t repeat it like a parrot.
I know hunters use melee sometimes. You do know that rogues sometimes use range too, right? So would it be proper for a rogue to roll need on that Bow with agility and win it over you and justify it by “I can shoot running mobs and pleyers”? Why not?
Hunters only use melee weapons for wing clip, or if they have no option to fire from range. In either case a 2h weapon is preferable. Outside of that they’re just stat sticks, and to roll against someone who would be using it as their primary weapon is just greedy. You are free to roll on whatever you want, but remember that everyone else is free to blacklist you for being a greedy SoB.
The extent to which rogues range is much less than the extent to which hunters melee. Rogues don’t even have any ranged abilities outside of ‘shoot’.
I’d expect the melee I pass melee weapons to (which I’ll again reiterate is my practice) to also pass ranged weapons to me, but if they do need on a ranged weapon I’m not going to get all sad about it, especially if it’s particularly well itemised for them. I will subsequently need on their melee weapons if I need them though.
Most hunters also raptor strike, which for the record is one of our higher damage abilities. In an ideal world you weave raptor stikes into your rotation, in practice it’s quite difficult to achieve against a single mob.
Yes but melee is not your priority. That’s a rogue’s thing.
Range is not a rogue’s priority. That’s a hunter thing.
If a melee weapon drops, it’s good etiquette to give it to the melee priority class as that’s their priority. Melee for melee. Range gets melee second.
If a range weapon drops, it’s good etiquette to give it to the range priority class as that’s their priority. Range for range. Melee gets range second.
Do you understand now?