Hunters are not exclusively ranged and you know that. Hunters have actual skills and abilities based on melee. No one cares what you use to pull, and it’s not the same thing.
Hunters shouldn’t be using their melee past level 10 though, they’re literally just stat sticks.
You don’t know anything about the class
At any level hunters will use melee drastically more than a warrior uses ranged. It’s not the same thing.
Edit for stupid typo
I still wouldn’t take a cruel barb from a rogue though. But nor would I take an int ring from a mage on a warrior…
I’m surprised by how many people think melee weapons are to hunters as ranged weapons are to warriors though. I guess hunters as a class are just poorly understood by the playerbase.
As someone who has mained a hunter since vanilla, I expected as much. The need to lecture me on how loot should go, the enough anger over my saying that it wasn’t a ninja loot over a competitive gear slot, the ignoring the fact that I said that there was better gear to grab tells me a lot. It’s not my fault that itemization for hunters is so bad that it’s literally everything that most people want.
I have had great luck and excellent groups on Kromkrush. I’ve walked by random levelers, given them BOEs and even coveted shoulderpads at low level only to have the same given to me. I have tended to get carried away in Barrens chat at times and will kind of miss it since I’m out of there.
100% positive experience on Krom, great tanks, heals and people in general so far.
This is an interesting point. If a bow, or gun dropped that had AP, or Agil, or some other stat that was useful to melee, would it be OK for them to roll on it over a hunter?
On the one hand, I kind of see where both sides are coming from, but at the same time, and I don’t think anyone mentioned, your main weapon is maybe your most important upgrade while leveling (or at least it will have the most significant effect on your ability to down mobs).
Having said that, you’re also in a dungeon group with non-guildies, and you all may very well have the intention of spam-running that instance.
If we consider the rule, “Need if need, otherwise greed.” Then, I’d say you needed on something you need. Now, you could have been nice and not rolled on something you needed, for a non guild member in your dungeon group who would gain more benefit from it than you would, but that is by no means a requirement.
It seems to me that the members of your guild are being overly critical of you.
Now, I could see if you were spam running it, and running with a rogue who specifically said that they wanted Cruel Barb, you giving it to them first. But you would likely also mention that that AP would be delicious for you as a hunter for your ranged attacks. Then you could have decided something like, you get the second drop.
This is pretty much how I see it. It’s not totally out of line to take the cruel barb as a hunter, but if you’re a polite and considerate hunter, you’d let the rogue have it. It’s also worth reiterating that a melee weapon is much more than a stat stick to a hunter, you’re going to use it to hit things fairly regularly - to that end you want a nice high damage, slow weapon. Generally a two hander. Many hunters will even go as far as to carry a stack-stick melee weapon along with one to switch out for big melee hits. Personally if I’m in DM the only weapon I’ll roll against melee for is that green agi pole.
People get so bent out of shape the very first dungeon they run. I don’t know how half these people making threads like this will make it to 60 without finding some ridiculous thing to complain about.
As others have stated about melee weapons.
Rogue and warrior are very very gear dependent.
Hunter is the least gear dependent in the game.
If you have a dps meter and tested it. Congrats you got a .2 to your damage or even 2 at most.
The rogue would have gotten a 12dps or more.
Stats are great but what gives u a huge dps is a great gun or cross bow.
You wouldn’t want a rogue and warrior rolling on that would you for the agility?
Before say yes imagine being in a raid a BiS for you drops. You have 6 rogues and 6 warriors. I don’t how many hunters.
Let say your luck is bad. That is at least 12 weeks of raiding and only if it drops every time. Let say every 3 times.
Would you still have that argument?
Just like a healer got behind hurt. He/she rolled on intel ring and I was like cool.
A blue staff drops and it had more spirit than intel. I rolled it was better than mine and another dps classes rolled. Healer was furious. Said intel is more for dps and spirit was for heals.
I wasn’t going to roll but I was thinking this guy rolled on the ring. F it he wanted it and now change his/her tune when it benefits him/her.
Actions speak loud and clear. Roll on those items, ppl talk. I recommend you think who needs it most but meh.
I wouldn’t go quite that far. A good ranged weapon makes a hell of a difference, and a good melee weapon is the second most important thing.
I have to tank sometimes. Does that mean I roll need on tank gear over the tank? No. You’re greedy and you should stick to retail.
Test it. With purples and blues.
Keep the gun or cross bow.
When you notice for dps increase and then test the rogue.
My brother was a hunter in Vanilla. In greens in PvP killed other hunters that out lvl him by 10 lvls. Why? Stack sta and had his armor. The other guys stacked agi and leather. His gun was blue best he could get.
He came out lol every time. He still had 60% of his hp while other hunter was zero.
It’s the same as if a nice bow or gun drops,…one that hunters historically have sought after and it’s generally acknowledged that it’s ideal for hunters.
The warrior need rolls and you lose out to him/her and are told, I need it to range pull.
Technically, the warrior has a point, but the ideal recipient is the hunter.
If you don’t object to that, then I suppose it’s a level playing field.
I don’t think many people in the level 20 bracket have epics…
FWIW, we’re not talking about raiding with guildies, and end game gear here.
When I was tanking SFK, and the Str/Stam ring dropped, guess who rolled need? (everyone). Guess who got the ring? (the mage)…
Guess who complained? (nobody).
Yeah, if it’s an upgrade… you are free to roll.
Could you have been nice and let the rogue have it?
But was the rogue entitled to it? No…
[Wall of Text] hits you for 99999999999 physical damage (Crushing Blow).