Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

you were saying?

I’m a Hunter, it could be mail with all agility and I expect you to do it without ever having this conversation.

And as a Paladin, if you do that you’ll definitely get marked as a ninja. You are actually willing to become a ninja over this. Think about that.

That says way more about you than it does about me. But continue your ad hom tirade.

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When the mobs hp is getting low, is what I meant.

Sorry but you are wrong it gives him weapon damage it would be like him rolling on a bow over a hunter.

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you think this is my only character? what about my warrior and rogue?
it’s not ninjaing then. according to you.[quote=“Oniana-lightnings-blade, post:83, topic:286411, full:true”]
That says way more about you than it does about me. But continue your ad hom tirade.

no, it just puts it in perspective.
also what happens if the rogue in question is a twink? CB becomes particularly painful to lose then.
but yeah. keep pretending it doesn’t matter.

Look it’s very simple.
Leave the guild, that bridge is burned as far as some people think in your guild, with comments like (you’re not getting invited in future raids…), just leave and find a new group. Trust me, better for you.

Secondly, i feel you’re not understanding some things about items. There’s a primary stat on a weapon (that’s how much damage it actual does) and then the secondary stats (AP, agility, etc…)
You rolled need because you needed the secondary stats, the rogue needed it for the main stat. Main stat is a lot more important for melee classes and hunters, just as secondary stat is more important for casters.

If i was the rogue,i would be pissed too. BUT, don’t lose sleep over this. Leave the guild, understand the differences with items and good luck with the game.


why would you need to take agro off your pet for that? if your goal is to have it in melee loot range you don’t need to pull of your pet for that.

mature, adult response.

It really all depends on the spawns around you. It can be effective, as can running yourself to where your pet is, as can returning your pet to yourself. Try it out next time you play a hunter.

Whatever you do though, don’t plan to run over to a corpse that’s out of range of the next mob just believe hunters shouldn’t melee.

I expect those actions from Warriors and Rogues. It’s sometimes better than having a thrown weapon.

Yes, cruel barb is useful to a hunter. However, the +12 AP is a drop in the bucket compared to the damage the weapon does and a hunter won’t take advantage of that aspect of the weapon. Cruel barb is likely to last quite a few levels for that rogue whereas the hunter will replace it pretty quickly since it’s the same AP as 6 agility without the extra crit from the agility.

Should the rogue have been that upset? Probably not, it’s just a game and it’s not an end-game item. However, rolling need on it against the rogue as a hunter is certainly not the best move to make.

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Lolwhat? I mained a rogue in 2004. And I’m doing it again now. Why would you say it’s hard to level? It’s ridiculously easy. I never have to stop, just kill kill kill and maybe bandage once in awhile.

If you are finding rogue hard to level it may be time to read up on the class


the point is, you don’t need to be taking agro off your pet just because your in melee range.
the other point being, that even if you do melee 5% of the time, its still a crap move to take a melee weapon off a melee class. just like a rogue getting a ranged weapon first is crap (yes even the legendary bow, crappy as it was for hunters).

as someone who has mained a rogue since vanilla, i expected a ranged weapon to go to a hunter first, and to a warrior or rogue after the hunters.
it’s that simple. who can make the most use out of it? the hunter.
who can make the most use out of the melee weapon? the melee.
the ranged weapon is secondary for the rogue and warrior, and mostly a stat stick, or occasional pull.
the same is true with hunters and melee weapons. you don’t use them that often, and when you do use them, its not for very long. thus it makes sense to go to the rogue or warrior first.

This is the proper level of awareness and reaction. Well stated.

hard? no. long? yes. rogue is one of the 3 slowest leveling classes in the game, and wears light armor and has to face tank everything.
meanwhile the hunter is one of the fastest leveling classes in the game, has a tank wherever he goes, and thus he doesn’t have to worry so much about bursting something down.

It’d deadmines. Both of you will replace Cruel Barb within 10 levels.

That said, everything is a hunter weapon. Need on them all.

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yes because 10 levels goes by so fast for some in vanilla.
oh wait. no.
and what about twinks?


blinded by the text wall… wince

I blame the shared drop system that’s in the game. Instead each person should get their own personal loot and stop this insanity. But, hey, no changes means that we get the same crappy mechanics over and over again.