Thank god my WC run last night was full of sane people and that when Venomstrike dropped neither the warrior or rogue, who hadn’t won anything in the run, still made time to say grats before declining the roll.
Hunters melee often. I think you’re either misremembering it, or you were not a very effective hunter.
For one thing, your melee and ranged swing timers are distinct, and you can weave melee between ranged shots if you have one mob on you and one on your pet. With a good slow weapon this can increase your kill rate significantly.
For another, the perfect single mob kill for a hunter ends in melee, with you taking agro off your pet when their hp is getting low, or closing distance between autos. It’s nice to have the loot right at your feet. If your last shot left the mob with little enough health that a melee swing will kill it, and you’re choosing not to melee, you’re just wasting time.
And lastly, sometimes you just end up in melee. It’s good to not be pathetic at it.
Personally I’d pass a cruel barb to a rogue, but the notion that hunters don’t use their melee weapons is just ridiculous. We don’t use them the way a rogue does, but we certainly use them.
You have an entire guild telling you that you’re wrong for need rolling on a sword over a rogue, and you still won’t admit fault. If I were in their shoes I wouldn’t run with you either. You can’t tell the difference between a marginal upgrade for yourself vs. a long and lasting upgrade for another class. You obviously think that you’re right, just don’t be surprised when you have a reputation on your server and can’t get a group. That’s how classic works.
If you want, roll need, but don’t be surprised if it gets you a bad reputation. Hunters, as a class, have a bit of a bad reputation as it is. As hard as it can be for hunters to find groups, this could be important.
This could be a “win the battle but, lose the war” situation.
not really no. for a hunter it gives just AP.
for a rogue its the BIS MH for the foreseeable future.
imagine if a rogue won a bow that was good for you for 10 levels.
In BC the Legendary Bow went to Rogues first. Also, that has happened, often. I’ve also got the blame for every mistake that had caused a wipe. Lock’s pet aggro’s everything. It’s the Hunter’s fault for dismissing his pet. The Healer went OoM, that’s the Hunter’s fualt. Tank couldn’t hold aggro, the hunter’s pet who had on Cower instead of growl kept taunting off of him. Like I said, there are better weapons there but it’s not ninja looting.
the legendary bow also happened to be awful for hunters, because it didn’t use ammo at all, which impacted attacks you used.
you seem to be at odds with the majority of the population on this.
sorry but i’ll make sure if i group with you that i take all your bows. why not, it’s obvious you don’t care the other way.
10 low levels, so a day or two. Just saying blacklisting someone for runs over that is stupid. Let them learn their lesson but move on, it’s not a late game BiS ninja.
a day or two? if you’re speed leveling yeah. maybe.
but if your not? it could last a good week or two easily.
and oh. typical hunter answer “it doesn’t matter unless its a late game ninja”.
well guess what. i’ll make sure to take blackcrow from every hunter i can. because people like you.