Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

i’m so glad to see all these hunters in here pointing out that this is completely wrong.
so thanks to yukonjack, espur, jojenpaste, and thanksgirl. you are all credits to your class.


Now that’s funny right there. Hahaha

OP disappeared. Good chance they get the picture. Hope it was a lesson learned!


Cruel Barb is a cursed item.
Had someone lose their sh1t on me because I needed for it and took it away from our Rogue. Plot twist though, I literally asked the Rogue if it was okay I needed on it and he didn’t care.


If I’m not running a full guild run, I expect things like this to happen and don’t get upset. If it’s a guild run, that hunter should be asking first before needing.


That’s because you are.


Thanks, girl.


You are the reason hunters were known as huntards back in Vanilla. You were wrong, and should set your computer on fire, delete your toon , and go and sit in the corner as punishment.

You are a narcissistic clown shoe.


You should just get the polearm with agility stats from Captain Greenskin. Can’t believe huntards are still a thing in 2019.


You were, in my opinion in the wrong.

How would you feel if a warrior took a good bow from you because it had ap on it?


Rogue has priority over you and that’s that. You should have watched chat and IF he rolled NEED, you should have passed. That’s how it works. 110% in the wrong, and you’d be out of my guild if I was the GM. People do make mistakes, and if it was a mistake it would be forgiven, but you’re trying to justify why you deserve it over a Rogue.

As a Hunter main from 05, I always treated melee weapons as an off-spec roll.


Please for the love of anything, use the writing composition lessons you learned in grade school. Reading your OP was horrid. Now on to the topic.

Warriors have a ranged slot. They’re basically a stat stick, but we can use them from range to pull targets or do some ranged dps. How upset would you be if a ranged weapon upgrade dropped and the warrior needed on it? Would it make a difference if it was a blue weapon upgrade? A purple? Universal rules apply here. If it’s good for one, it’s good for all. Regardless of class, spec, or rarity of item. Meaning, if it’s okay for you to need on a weapon that is primarily a stat stick for you, then it’s okay for a warrior to need on that epic bow that is BIS for you.


I agree with the rogue. I didnt read all repsonses so maybe this has already come up, but how would you feel if a gun/bow dropped with +agility and the rogue rolled on it?

Our guild rule is that you can need your class & spec specific gear. This can rarely be subjective but when it is a quick discussion before rolling settles it.

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Obviously you don’t have enough hunter experience…if you do any pvp classic as hunter you will be dead zoned constantly.

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One thing no one has mentioned: cruel Barb is bis for rogues for like ten levels


Have to agree with Holy. The rogue would have benefited more as its just a stat stick for hunters. Sort of like if the rogue had won a bow from a hunter, it would really suck sinces its a stat stick for them.

What’s funny is that Rogues and Warriors do actually roll on ranged weapons with stats on them.


And? If you are deadzoned, melee doesn’t matter.

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Not really. The Axe that’s 8 Stam and Spirit, and the Agility Polearm are better, but the Cruel Barb is as much of a Hunter Weapon as it is a Rogue Weapon.


Hunter Melee weapons are nothing but Stat Sticks (If you’re playing correctly), IE: you disengage, wing clip and raptor strike to finish a mob. 95% of your time is Ranged attacking NOT melee. Thus the Rogue would have priority as 100% of his dmg is melee.