Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

Yeah and thats a dps warrior. Paladins dont have that.

You’re so bad at this game it’s hilarious.

My main spec is healing. Id pass that shield to the tank easy.
My main spec is not dps. My main spec is not tanking.

Yeah using an overpowered shield with a quality auction house 1 hander is a bad idea for a holy paladin, youre right lol. the thing has +21 stats in total at level 40, its overpowered so everyone used it back in the day. regardless of spec or class that uses shields you used sm-cath aegis and a 1her you found somewhere.

It’s not all about me though. Rolling need on a pair of cloth boots to give me 2 extra stat sticks vs the other clothie wearing a grey boots doesn’t feel fun to me nor would I want to surround myself with people that choose to play like that.

Do you also see someone fighting a mob on top of an herb or mining node and walk up and loot it? It’s just a herb or flower man lol…

I said earlier if someone has a horrible item equipped then they deserve it more than anyone, numerous times.

I’m impressed you managed to make a nonsensical post with absolutely nothing to do with what you quoted. Good job.

Fighting fire with fire. :wink:

I got his point though hes saying do you value the other person, I usually check their name if its something not like xxarthasxx or digolebick I let them keep the fight-node lol

OK- and I don’t ninja nodes. But consider the difference. For a node that’s surrounded by mobs- that person has done all the work, killed all the mobs by himself, it’s fair to say its his.

For a dungeon- the rogue and the hunter have both put in equal work getting there, a cruel barb is a big improvement for BOTH of them, it’s bigger for the rogue, but they’ve still both put in the work, and will both get a major upgrade from it.

In that case, it’s fair to roll need.


THIS is the kind of huntard that thinks he will deserve the Core Hound tooth over a rogue… /glare


Every guild I have been in has had a simple rule: don’t be a jerk. You know exactly that is good for you and should have a sense of understanding what is good for someone else.

If you are rolling on an item that would generate a larger upgrade for someone else while it could be an upgrade for you, do the decent thing and let them have it. Doing anything else is just you being a jerk and a selfish one at that.

In the case of the cruel barb being a hunter weapon. No, it isn’t. It may have stats that are favorable to a hunter, but as a hunter you shouldn’t even be in a position where the damage of that weapon comes into play. Your largest melee damaging ability is Raptor Strike which is favorable for 2H weapon anyways. Now with that said, this doesn’t mean you go rolling on any 2H weapon that drops. This still goes back to not being a jerk. Your role as a hunter is to stay in range which means using your bow/crossbow/gun with your pet doing damage. If there is a 2H weapon that drops in a dungeon and a class can better utilize it, let them have it. Your primary weapon is one of the aforementioned ranged weapons and if no one needs the melee weapons with favorable stats, then feel free to grab them. Just like the classes that utilize ranged weapons should do so after you passed on those yourself.

And you know what? By you being selfless, you can get invited to more groups in the future. Be selfless.

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CB drops at a point where there’s nothing better for hunters.

Core hound tooth drops at a point where there’s a hundred weapons that level- see the difference?

CB will be a huge upgrade for a hunter.

CH Tooth is barely an upgrade from a BSH- and you’re going in there with a guild.

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Jesus, you are a wiener head for taking the rouges weapon you deserved every bit of hate.

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Only melee attack power.

Nobody likes rogues. They’re all jerks. Ninja away.

MC will be done initially with guilds… however, MC was pug’ed on alts every week back in the day (at least on tichondrius)… and I saw that kind of hunter more than once. luckily my rogue was my main and attended only guild runs… But that was still some effed up sheet…

That’s the risk of running with a pug- in a guild, you’re a team that will continue to work together to progress, so you want everyone to have their bis cuz it benefits you.

In a pug- you’re out for yourself. And not just that hunter, but that rogue and everyone else. If they weren’t- they’d be in a guild doing it.

It’s really not though. 14 ap = 1 dps. CB has 12 ap so you aren’t even gaining a single dps. A slow white quality 2hander with no stats from a weapons vendor does more for a hunter than CB because the only time your melee wep should be getting used is for raptor strike and wing clip.

I remember playing a hunter as my main back in vanilla WoW and I was running Dire Maul Tribute runs quite often. At the end of the run, the Barbarous Blade dropped and a warrior needed it. Sure as a hunter it was a great upgrade over what I had, but he needed it more, so I let him have it. He was so appreciative that he would run the instance with me again and guess what, the blade dropped once more and I was able to get it. And you know what, that action helped me gain a new friend in the end.

Don’t be the meme of “all loot hunter loot”. Think of others, too.

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