Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

Its not +7 or 8 to every stat.
Its str, stam and spirit. Its a tanking shield

Id be better off getting an offhand with int or healing

As someone who mains both rogue and hunter you clearly don’t get how useful ranged weapons are for raw damage stats, survival (Stamina) and not pulling caster mobs into meele mobs when they run away, its more than just pressing buttons in classic you need to be prepared for everything. So gear up your character as much as you can with whatever you find. regardless of the stats they have

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I understand just how useful it is. Id just never take it over a hunter. He gets more use out of it. Plain and simple.

You also just said youd pass on an over-budgeted shield with more stats than it should have and armor like a level 55 shield for a 1h and offhander because youre a healer. soo lol

Translation “I can roll on whatever I want, that’s fine- but hunters can’t, cuz screw hunters”.

Well yeah, cuz for hunters it’s just stats. Unlike cloth gear as a pally, which is more than just stats… no wait, it’s also just stats.

Still- screw hunters, and clothies, I’m rolling on your gear, deal with it.

Signed- all warriors, pallies and rogues.

This thread has me looking forward to 60 and seeing these folk create threads about raid loot distributions. Several of you here really don’t get it and will have a rude awakening.

Forums will continue to be good reads lol.

What good is strength to me? Spirit is wasted on a paladin healer.

Im all about guilds wanting to be choosey and precise with their raid loot, but this is dungeons were talking about. don’t pass up on upgrades man lol.

Yeah, because doing a dungeon at level 20 with a bunch of people that are just there to get xp and better loot- is the same as doing a 60 raid with 40 people who are there to progress through the content as a group.

It helps you level faster? you can beat down mobs when you aren’t healing at the moment

Funny cuz i already saif rogues and warriors should pass on bows to hunters.
Im also not rolling on sometging that says spell damage on it.
Im not rolling on armor clearly meant for a physical dps on my healer.

In vanilla people are expected to offtank or offheal at all times if possible. if youre playing a shaman or paladin your role is tank,healer,and dps. at the same times. so gear for it appropriately.

And thats why you have offspec rolls. If no one needs, ill ask if i can take for leveling. Gee golly. But main spec? Pass that shield to the tank.

People tend to run dungeons more than once you know, most people farm sm for levels 32-44 because its easiest. youll get more than one shield to drop… I promise.

Are you sure you know what youre talking about? Go look at naxx gear and tell me how a pally healer offtanks or off dps in that.

You really gonna compare roles in naxx40 to dungeons lol.
Yes In naxx40 people had specific roles and didn’t offtank as a bear with growl.

And if thats the case and no one needs for ms, ill go ahead and throw an os roll. But sure aint using it while healing.

All dps warriors were required to have a shield to throw on and use shield wall to tank for 10 seconds incase the tank died, and he would die in name of everyone else while you soulstoned the tank. its called playing vanilla.

Doesnt matter. Im not taking that shield for ms.

it is your mainspec though, with a good intellect 1hander lol. you don’t get how this works apparently