The only int quest reward for a paladin ive seen yet is the verigans fist for lvl 20 class quest. A weapon.
Heres sm by the way.
1 piece of int leather. 0 mail.
Whats a healing pally, druid, or sham supposed to do? Suck it up?
You use the aegis which has more spirit than any level 40 needs on one item, let alone strength and stamina and armor. +7 and 8 to all stats on one shield is huge for holy paladin.
get a one hander on the auction house that has Eagle for +5 intellect and you got big stats on your shield and 1hander for 10 levels.
You’re saying that’s what hunters should do about cruel barb- so why don’t you lead by example?
Instead you’re wanting your cake (ie- to roll on all cloth/leather) and eat it too (ie- to not let hunters roll on your melee weapons).
You’re the embodiement of rogue/warrior/pally entitlement- this sense that every piece of gear that drops and might be an upgrade is fair game to roll on, but everything that’s an upgrade for you can’t be rolled on by anyone else.
Not to mention a perfectly itemized shield in scarlet cath, the most popular dungeon for everyone to run because its right there. Buy an intellect one hander and youre set to heal for dungeons for 10 levels and don’t need an upgrade, the rest of your gear can be whatever you’ve found by then.
Vanilla gear isn’t perfect its not even close to balanced, so use and roll need on what you can guys.
Uh, I use my bow all the time. It helps me to not over pull mobs while questing. Getting several shots off before they are in melee range also helps me a lot.
I also be a dbag as you put it, to melee rolling on ranged weapons. And clearly a heck of a lot more,people agree with me. The likes on my first post speak,volumes.
exactly its also damage while the mob runs to you, or for casters who flee and then cast pyroblasts from 35 yards away and will 2 shot you if you dont shoot them with a blue quality bow quickly and hope for a critical arrow strike.
@Funkflex never post on your classic toon because any “established” guild or player from your server that reads your post will never want to group with you.
You have such a myopic selfish viewpoint with an underlying tone of just caring about your own best interest, perfectly summed up with you stating the following (paraphrased):
“I will take shields over tanks on my shaman”
“I will take melee as a stat stick over melee that need it as their primary source of damage.”
At the end of the day, play how you see fit though I would wager the vast majority of the long standing playerbase that will be around for a long time in classic would whole heartedly disagree with your mentality.
You would be better served not trying to justify your behaviour and outright say:
“I want the upgrade for myself and don’t care who else needs it.”
That is ultimately what your underlying point is. That is a hard stance to justify.
Volumes to the amount of people that consider a rogue/warrior/pally rolling on clothie gear is perfectly fine- because they play rogues/warriors/pallies- but it’s not ok for a hunter to do it to them.
Get off your high horse- you’re exactly like the OP.
read your story, you did nothing wrong, anyone who tells you different I would ignore. Sounds like you need a new guild since nearly everyone was giving you crap.
for future reference to avoid maybe some hassles… if you know some boss with some loot that is an upgrade for you is coming up… just let your intentions be known prior to killing the boss that if (X) drops you are going to roll on it.
I will do this if I am in a group (especially if I don’t know anyone particular well) . I am a resto/ele shaman and most of the good loot i look for has stam intel… happens to be alot of cloth at this level. So I just give the other clothies a heads up, it helps them temper their expectations.
Story is really sad though, because it is leveling gear that will be replaced and vendored at some point. Heck you even offered to run it again to help him get it. Sounds like you are a good guy and you also identified it as a legit upgrade and “wasn’t one of those well it will give me more mana hunters lol”
it is if you pair it with an 1her that has intellect, then you have + 7 or 8 to every stat on your offhand and mainhand. vanilla is about getting the most stats you can, you still use strength as a healer, you never helped auto attack something before?