Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

Vanilla is not the same game as retail, you cant apply the rules of hunter weapon jokes because its not a joke in vanilla, what if he was struggling leveling by himself and needed that meele weapon to level past 30 more easily.

Show me the intellect mail/plate/leather in dungeons. There isnt a lot out there
Notice i said nothing about hunters rolling on leather.

Huge difference between weapons and armor.

Like I said, I hope you lose a good range weapon to a melee who wants it as their stat stick. I am not against hunters getting good melee weapons but to take them over melee classes…

There is a reason the term “huntards” existed.

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Scarlet monastery has some plate with intellect, I think its like the first shield that actually makes holy paladins shine for 10 levels or so.
Leather with intellect is more common on horde dungeons and quests for whatever reason, Im playing shaman and I don’t complain when a rogue rolls on a blue bow because it has +3 stamina or something, rogues die easily man.

As a shaman you cant even use a bow.

Im playing shaman and planning on rolling on tank shields if its a massive armor upgrade, that’s my right considering I do half the tanking and healing in dungeons anyways.

If I seen a rogue beat out a hunter for the wailing caverns best in slot bow for noobs I woudnt think twice about it, he did the dungeon and deserves to roll for it, I usually inspect their gear to check what their old bow was of course.

If your tanking your actively using a shield.
A rogue rarely uses a bow
A hunter rarely uses melee.
I would expect both to pass appropiately.
Its what i did for god knows how,many ywarm

ie- When I ninja loot it’s fine, but when hunters do it it’s not.

Get off your high horse- you’re no better than the hunter OP. You’re rolling on things that aren’t meant for your class because they provide you a bonus.

Which is fine- unless you’re looking down on others for doing the same thing, which is rotten.

‘look at other mail at that level’ So you don’t have many choices for that stat slot, oh too bad- neither do hunters. Yet to hear any suggestions on what to use rather than CB as a hunter at that level.

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I would. Id tell the rogue he was a discredit to his class for even rolling against a hunter on it.
I dont care when warriors, paladins, or hunters roll on leather eithed.

I don’t always use the shield though, enh shaman can dps tank or heal, sometimes I just sit back and heal and don’t need my shield so I use a staff. Still you roll for your character when leveling 100% of the time unless you befriended that person and give them special clearance, shoudnt blacklist people for gearing up in vanilla it can be difficult and annoying they deserve a reward.

Show me mail and plate int in sufficient numbers to keep me healing in dungeons. You cant.

youre not intended to have a plate set by level 40 or even 50, there are only 2 drops of plate sub 40 level which are intended for use at level 40 clearly.
It starts to drop more-so than mail in level 50+ dungeons not before 50.
Its designed on this way on purpose because you use what you find.

Except i dont always roll for my character. Ive passed items clearly better for one class or anorger more times then i can count

What about mail? Show me int mail pre 39.
You wont find a lot. Heck outside of wailing caverns you wont find a lot of int leatjer either

They come from long questlines not dungeons, my shaman already has mostly all intellect leather.
typically questlines that run around an entire zone reward well itemized off-pieces like healer shields or healer 1handed axe.

Green gear with +heal. Especially for the first 30 levels as there’s little if anything below 30 in dungeons with +heal on it.

“I’m a pally, I’m fine with people rolling on gear that’s leather/cloth even though I use mail- because I benefit from it.”

No kidding- well clothies aren’t cool with it, they get one type of gear to roll on, you get 3-4. If you can’t let them have that single type of gear- then you have no right to get pissy about hunters rolling on melee weapons.

You’re a fuing moron

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So the rogue who showed up for raid on time and did a good rogues effort, whatever that is in vanilla just damage I guess because theres no soaking with cloak mechanics.
Doesn’t deserve a large upgrade to his character? okay