Thats stupid. This paladin is wearing leather right now. And seeing as im going heals i plan on rolling on int gear. Regardless of armor class
All this drama over level 20 dungeon gear?
Except this isn’t a raid run or a guild run. And frankly, there’s plenty of hunters weapons that are best for hunters, and plenty of melee weapons that are best for melee.
There’s very few melee weapons that have great hunter stats, and few ranged weapons that have great melee stats. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone rolls on something that’s one of the best items for that slot. And as a hunter- you need to be aware that rogues/warriors don’t return the favour, especially warrior tanks, since if a ranged weapon they think is best for them drops, they’ll likely tell the hunter that if the hunter rolls on it they’ll get kicked from the group.
Sorry but any hunter that takes a melee weapon away from a MELEE DPS class should be burned alive. I hope some day you lose out on an amazing range weapon to said rogue.
Yes, everyday people say blacklist people for needing upgrades to their character, they are grossly misinformed or don’t understand the math at all.
whats worse is I bet people blacklist every hunter they see just for needing a weapon when he is using a white or green weapon and a blue drops.
I don’t believe you realize that you are arguing the same side of a point of the person you quoted?
I seen a priest roll need on literally everything, we didn’t blacklist him he told him its impolite. try talking to people about the needs of the game instead of just ignoring them
Yeah, I hit replay on the the wrong post… It was supposed to be to the OP, sorry.
So hold on- after making all those arguments about how hunters shouldn’t roll on melee weapons that are great for hunters because a rogue needs it more- you’re happily rolling on leather/cloth even though casters need it more?
You’re basically saying ‘well it’s not ok when a hunter does it, but when I do it it’s fine’. This is EXACTLY what I’m talking about when it comes to warrior/pally/rogue entitlement. You think everyone else’s best loot is yours, but if anyone dares look at your best loot they’re auto a ninja.
Best in slot holy paladin gear is literally mostly cloth and they cant roll need on it or they would get blacklisted. go figure. guild leaders / loot officer entitlement much
I chained a few dungeons in the mid 20s with a group that had a mage. We had this unspoken rule that if something dropped with spirit he passed on and if it was int/stam I passed on. Some people get it and some don’t I guess.
I just greed everything unless its a large upgrade, I pass on minor upgrades, its not hard folks. sometimes you skrew someone elses massiver-est upgrade over, that’s vanilla gearing for you.
Hunters are greedy bastards, I am a warrior and a back with STRENGTH on it dropped and the hunter rolled and won it. I was like WTF!
strength gives hunters attack power, did he have no cloak or a gray cloak before? that’s a massive upgrade.
Warriors are greedy bastards- I had a warrior roll on triune neck (+7 sta/int/spi) because their current neck was 7 sta/4 spi. Three casters in group. But, he was tank so whatever he says goes.
I wouldn’t roll against a melee as a hunter. However, I stick to the philosophy “If it’s an upgrade for the character you are on, and you are going to use it, roll need - otherwise roll greed.”
You were right to roll need, but as I said, I wouldn’t roll against the melee in that situation.
The problem isn’t the level of the weapon, it’s the value you self-determined to the weapon. I don’t know if you’re being obtuse or just don’t understand the situation. Either way it’s a pattern of behavior that some may expect would extend later in the game and thus would take a serious view of something otherwise relatively benign.
If he had a cloak before with stats then I agree with you, ignore him, if he had nothing than… he needs it for leveling dude.
exactly, sometimes in the low level range people use something just because its a blue item and they had no item before, that still makes their character better for leveling, making them a better player in the meanwhile.
Ubh im not encouraging hunters to take melee weapons or rogues to take ranged weapons
I know, I hit reply on your post by accident instead of the OPs