So hunters should just not have good stats then? what if the rogue already has a blue but its a minor damage upgrade, the 2% crit and attack power for the hunter is the same damage upgrade not to mention confidence in his characters ability.
Did i say that? No. I said a hunter should pass on melee weapons to melee, and melee should pass on ranged weapons to hunters.
Even going from a white to cruel barb is only a 12 ap upgrade for a hunter. Meanwhile its literally the best weapon a rogue can get until 29.
Notice how i said it goes both ways though.
Im not just saying hunters should pass on melee. Im saying whoever uses the weapon as primary dmg should be the priority.
If you intend on seeing the rogue more then yes I would pass on it, but if it was a premade group that 5 random dudes applied for then you need what you need for yourself.
You have to be a little selfish at times, if it means going from white to blue then that is your right if you cleared the dungeon with effort, be honest with yourself and don’t pass up your large upgrades.
as a paladin your best in slot chest is a pink cloth dress with +20 intellect that has to be master looted to you, you cant even roll need on it I believe, you have to think outside the box sometimes when gearing in vanilla, and you take what you are given.
And see thats the thing. You dont have to be swlfish at all. Ive passed ranged weapons to lkterally any hunter over the years.
Been with guild 5+ years? Bis bow? Highest epgp priority vs trial hunter on his first run with guild? Pass.
Depends on the effort of the raid though, did the new trial hunter deal more damage even though he is unfamiliar with the raid team? he deserves to /roll for it. I believe if someone was given an invite that is their invitation to deserve a fair roll at upgrades. Why should hunter # 2 who dealed more damage / was better at mechanics be denied a chance to a fair /roll
Quit the guild and move on. Stop dwelling on a low level item that you needed on over a rogue. Worry about it when you steal something epic from a raid instead. They’ll forget about it, laugh in their face that they are making such a big deal about a low quality item.
Except rogues and warriors do roll on ranged weapons over hunters all the time- and nobody ever calls them ninjas.
And there’s lots of melee weapons that are good for rogues/warriors, only a few that are good for hunters- cruel barb is one of their best weapons for a long time. To tell someone they can’t roll on their best item for a slot is pretty absurd.
Especially since every other warrior I’ve encountered rolls on staves over casters cuz they read about some meme spirit build. Rogues roll on hypnotic blade over casters despite it being the best caster weapon in the first 50 levels of the game.
Now- should a hunter give a rogue priority? Sure, it is BETTER for a rogue than a hunter, much like all cloth gear for some time is BETTER for a mage than a priest/warlock… but you’re never going to see a mage tell other clothies not to roll on any drops.
And rolling on the best item for a slot as a hunter is not being a ninja. Especially since warriors and rogues always roll on ranged drops even if their is a hunter in the group.
No, he didnt. The trial hunter as a matter of a fact died on the majority of the fights and failed his trial a few weeks later. I, however, do not take ranged weapons from hunters, BECAUSE ITS THEIR PRIMARY DAMAGE SOURCE.
But by god people like you are going to drive me too
Im saying what IF
not all hunters are good, infact 90% of them stink and chances are the 5 year raider hunter who is a guaranteed spot is the better choice.
But if a new trial is a golden star and is either top #3 on dps or mechanics / damage not taken then he deserves to /roll and it shoudnt just be given to someone because they are a friend of yours for 5 years.
If you need it to level up quicker than that’s your right /shrug retribution with a cruel barb is probably good for leveling up better than a 2h mace or no shield for no armor anyways.
assuming the game lets you roll need for it and you feel you put in the effort to deserve it, consider whether you actually need it or just want it, that’s it, don’t consider minimum/maximum upgrade too much.
In my entire wow history only 1 guild didnt have either a hard and fast melee get melee first / ranged get ranged first rule or a bunch of players who imposed it unofficially.
That one guild imploded.
Ive been in guilds where mostly loot is given to friends of the gm or friends of the officers who, of course have good parses / damage because they get all the loot, and it just snowball effects, giving the trials no chance to parse orange because they get nothing for their time spent.
Secret treehouse mentality, where only people who are friends of the treehouse for 5 years are respected,
because yes, not giving someone a chance at loot who just spent 5 hours in a raid is disrespectful to them. (assuming they performed well)
Umm thats dependent on the guild you join. Like i said. I join guilds that are smart. Melee get melee weapons and ranged get ranged weapons first cuz thats where the biggest impact is.