Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

So youd be okay with a rogue winning a bow you want then?

If it is a large agility upgrade, and he has no +agility on his weapon currently, thats his right, he did 20% of the dungeon and deserves to roll for an upgrade to his character, if it truly is a big upgrade. not something like a +1 agility

If you think a “stat stick” is more important than a huge upgrade and source of “primary damage” for a melee than you are insane and quite simply selfish and the type of player that would never raid with me in any capacity.

The same holds true for melee that want “stat stick” ranged weapons over a hunter that needs it as a primary upgrade .

Note my first main 60 in Vanilla was a hunter and I never rolled on melee weapons of my melee teammates needed them


Got to love the sudden disclaimer.

For rhe record id never roll on a ranged weapon over a hunter no matter the upgrade size.
It provides his primary source of damage.

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You don’t need to pull old rank cards with me, I remember rogues getting thunderfury, instead of the ragequitter-esque-tank, and the world first thoridal the stars fury the legendary bow because the rogue was a reliable raider, and the hunters were rentals, that’s his right. he earned an upgrade

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Yes as long as both were upgrades for both melee, melee vs melee is fair game. Also we have defined bis lists for everyone so people in our guild get priority on them with other factors taken into account. That means if the bow is a bigger upgrade for the rogue I will outright pass…

Why ? Cause I care about the overall guild progressing and benefiting the team the most not my personal self… in the end everyone will get what they want those are the players we play with

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It is selfish, to roll for a +agility upgrade in a random dungeon but if its a massive upgrade then you have the fair chance to roll, you could still lose the roll its 50-50. you saying if he has no weapon and a bow with +7 agility drops he should just pass on upgrading his character by 1% crit ? so hes not a person then and did no effort or no work.

  1. i also remembee hunters getting thunderfury.
  2. every endgame hunter ive talked too has said how bad the legendary was because the lack of using ammo affected shot damage.

Everyone can do what they want I am not advocating otherwise simply stating the reality of the game the way I play it and how I have set things up with my friends , clanmates etc.

Wasnt talking melee vs melee though. Was talking melee vs hunter.

No read my first responses and you will have that answer

I think it is a bit of a personal move, but you should not black-list or ignore someone from your life because they needed the +7 agility ontop of their useless bow or something. he has a use for it too, and he did the work for something. What if he didn’t get a single item all day and wanted one item to look at and feel good about his progress on his character, is that a good raider decision to tell the team-member no ?

I know your stance. But if you noticed, i wasnt asking you that question in the first place. I was asking the hunter

Theres more than one option to consider, how geared is each player? how much effort do they put in? do they log in every day or once a month?
shoudnt be a “kick all hunters” for needing a meele weapon even though there is also a rogue present is the rule.

We award loot based on bis priority list, time since last loot , contribution / dedication /performance and many other factors we all understand the bigger goal of progressing as a team vs progressing as an individual … that is just how we do things … not telling anyone else to follow this

You directly quoted me in your proposition implying it was directed to me … either way … ok

Im not saying kick all hunters.

Im just saying rolling on a melee weapon over a melee is pretty scummy.
Same wuth rolling on a ranged weapon over a hunter.

Even if ive done 10 runs in a day and got mothing

Origibal quote was asking funk. Look up. You responded to that. Which is why i took ir further.

I don’t think its scummy if I have a white or green item and a stat-heavy blue drops, that’s a large upgrade. large upgrades should be given a roll chance, and he could win or lose the roll.

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We will agree to disagree.