Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

Newsflash genius, the tank and I share weapon types (as can the pally for that matter).

And both the pally and the tank can wear anything I can.

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It’s so sad people are still defending this ninja. You took a melee weapon from a melee class. You should never roll against a warrior or rogue for any melee weapon.

The fact those same melee classes rolling on a ranger weapon is also against you. They need it for a stat stick.

There is a reason people hate hunters. You take everything so you can raptor strike. Go away ninja.


LOL - my God, 15 years later and the same completely IDIOTIC “ninja” argument. Some things never change.

I am surprised some of you did not call him a “nub” and tell him to “L2P”.


You need a slow 2H for raptor strike and mongoose bite.

didn’t read only cause title says long story and is just one wall of text. like you knew it was going to be long and couldn’t use ur tab key a few times?

nobody knows who did it when a real ghosting ninja chilling between points a and b

be fair. u had to be amazing as hunter back than. easy to farm. hard to master.

I can’t count how many times I’ve passed on caster/healing upgrades for my druid (feral, but I heal a lot) because there was a caster in the group who needed.

You can’t get need priority on both melee AND ranged weapons and not expect pushback.


Dude you gotta relax.

I didn’t take the dagger man give it a rest. Your anger is palpable lol

I used to main a hunter in vanilla i NEVER would have done what you did.


Reading comprehension. Please.

What the op did is worse for sure. Because the upgrade is massive for the melee and negligible even unnoticeable for the hunter.

I threw out an example as an argument. And in my example, you’re telling me I would be a ninja even though the upgrade is about 5x more significant for me than the caster.

That’s it.

My vanilla main was a hunter… Stuff like this is why we had (have?) a bad name. You are ignoring the dps of that weapon. Melee weapons go to melee classes.

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Taking that weapon over a rogue makes you a jackarse, especially if they were your freaking guild mate, for crying out loud. It would be the same as a rogue rolling on a high dps bow over you, because “hey, sometimes I pull stuff”.

The end.

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You also need int and spirit so don’t forget to roll on caster weapons. Never forget, if you can equips it, it’s a hunter weapon.

I find it strange you can say this despite having no idea what weapon the melee already had. Nope, just assume it was a “massive” upgrade.

By the by. Did some research. That mace? 1.5g on your realm? 5.5g on mine.
Not so cheap is it?

And you would still be as bad as the OP, the fact that you are justifying it makes you worse. He did not know any better, he had ignorance as an excuse. You have trolling us as yours.

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Just write down their name on a piece of paper like we did in the old days and when you run into them again at level 55 in stratholme kick them before rivendare like we all did.
everyone should have a name written list, don’t use the ignore feature in vanilla, you want to talk to them again lol.


Any Hunter that roles on a melee weapon over a melee that needs it or vice versa with a melee rolling on a ranged that a hunter needs will get instantly black listed in my book.

This however will never happen to me cause I tank my own groups and run my own guild where all rules are clearly defined at the onset of the run.


youre insane, hunters deserve agility stat sticks just as much as anyone deserves any item. its a true upgrade for them