Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

Cruel barb paired with literally any green BOE stat stick would be superior to this so no.

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A rare world drop that you can farm only in the mid 20s…

Or, you know, buy from the auction house in seconds.

Because having to rely on cheap but extremely good items being available isn’t reliable at all.

1.5g is a lot at level 19. At that level you’re still saving for spells and budgeting.

Disagree. You’re talking about entitlement and then you say that the Hunter has to communicate with the Rogue. Nah. No one had to, if they wanted to they could have but no one has to. The Rogue does not need to give the Hunter permission, just like the Hunter doesn’t have to give anyone permission to loot ranged weapons.

I’m leaving my comment at that. Reply/tell me I’m wrong if you want. I’m not going to be like people in this thread and look 20 hours after it was first created for dissenting opinions.


I have. All the time. From vanilla through when they removed ranged weapons for rogues and warrior

It’s like 5 tin nodes. Significantly less effort than actually running a dungeon.

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they should, for same reason hunters should pass on melee weapons if, melee classes need them… that was general rule back in the day

If you don’t have any other stat stick. If you don’t have any other stat stick.

And yet your wing clips and raptor strikes would hit like pure crap, which a bunch of hunters are saying is important.

If you don’t have 25 silver laying around to buy a stat stick?

Again, why shouldn’t the Hunter do the same and buy an item themselves if it’s no big deal?

No intelligent hunter is saying that. The point of hunter melee weapons is the stats on them. The melee weapon slot has significantly more stats than any other equipment slot.

Hunters have the lowest requirement for gear while leveling outside of a decent ranged weapon. Rogues are among the highest demand for gear.

Because there is no item the hunter can buy that is anywhere near as good as cruel barb. Again, 90% of melee weapons are designed with melee classes in mind. Most of them are useless for hunters. Cruel Barb is one of the few that isn’t.


How unlucky for rogues. Hunters are still allowed to roll on gear regardless of how hard it is to be a rogue. This is like the dumbest argument ever. It’s like saying warlocks can’t roll on cloth because mages are more gear dependent.


That’s pretty much meme garbage… anyone who rolls for their raptor strike damage as a hunter was made fun of back in the day, because they should be. Hunters that tried to be raptor strike melee hunters were laughed at harder than warriors that spammed rend.

It is also outside of BoEs one of the best weapons a Rogue can get until the late 20s.

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So it’s one of the best weapons for a rogue, and the best for a hunter… so they should be roll need, which is what the OP did. That seems to make sense.


Mages and Warlocks get the same usage out of the cloth.

Again - you’re fully allowed to roll on it. It’s in the game’s rules. However, that doesn’t mean you’re fully in the right and shouldn’t face any repercussions.

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