Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

In instaces with LoS problems, and if you back up in an open area uu aggro a pack of mobs? No way. Granted its a small portion of the tome it definitely happens.

Oh its definitely wrong, but there is a rare occasion you have to, in order to not aggro. Tauran hit boxes suck. I have to melee in close quarters in certain instances.

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Jesus some hunters are pretentious, all you need is agility

How would you feel if I, a rogue, rolled need and won on a gun or bow that was a huge upgrade for you, all because I wanted an extra 6 agility?

It’s a dick move all day long.

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A tale as old as time. Well, 2004 at least.

That’s not correct at all.

Like it’s just another day.

Warriors and rogues have it in their minds that nobody can roll on their weapons- but they can roll on everyone else’s weapons. I’ve already lost rolls on int/spirit gear, caster staves to warriors- lost cloth pieces to pallies.

Dick move or not- it’s pretty much what melee weapon users do to everyone else, despite other classes tending to have extreme limits on what we can use.

But the thing- not only do rogues/warriors do this all the time… nobody seems to make a fuss when they do. Sure, they flip on hunters- but when a warrior rolls on another int/spirit staff everyone’s fine with it.


Agility increases ap for melee and ranged, strength only increases for melee. Ignorant and selfish nice.

What server are you on OP? Whats your character name?

Dude that’s a gross generalization bordering on nonsense. Get real.

How is saying what is happening in the dungeon runs I’m in a gross generalization or nonsense?

Look up the thread with a warrior telling other warriors to ninja staves from casters- with half the thread agreeing with the warrior. This isn’t nonsense, this is pretty much the norm now.

And frankly- warriors and rogues don’t return the favour to hunters ever. In vanilla, it took months for my hunter to get the BSH, pretty much the one melee weapon meant for hunters, because warriors despite having a hundred melee weapons for them, most of which are much better- still roll need every time.

The only reason warriors/rogues don’t get called ninjas is because there’s an expectation that they can roll on everything regardless of who it’s best for.

Good, all of you can get ninja reps in that case and when most of the server is in endgame we will remember it and you can all group together and roll need on each other’s items.

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It’s called survival hunter.

So rolling on the hypnotic blade is ninjaing to you, or something?

What if I have a 16 dps dagger? I promise you the damage upgrade for me is a way bigger upgrade than the int for you.

That’s not a comparable scenario to ranged vs melee

This is exactly what I’m talking about- there’s maybe 1 or 2 caster weapons every 5 levels, yet there’s 10-20 melee weapons. Even so, rogues/warriors consider that 1 or 2 weapons that are the ONLY weapons for casters to still be rogue/warrior weapons.

And the guy above called it nonsense- yet there’s already proof rogues/warriors consider ninjaing from casters/ranged to not even be ninjaing, so they just do it without a care.

That hypnotic blade’s int/spell damage makes it one of the best caster weapons for a long time, and fair chance the caster won’t replace it for at least 10-15 levels.


Rolling on hypnotic blade which is only good as an offhand, over a caster (and its not just int, its sp) is 100% ninja.

You have no idea how few and far between daggers are

Its no better than the poker from GY for mainhand.

I know that a rogue rolling on an int/spell damage weapon meant for casters, and being one of the only caster weapons for a long while- is a ninja.

Just an example and maybe a bad one, but the premise is that an 8dps increase on my mh or oh weapon is far more meaningful than a few points of intellect.