Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

Avtually cruel barb is the best rogue weapon until 29…

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This right here is why I never bring hunters to groups I make.

Made my Deadmines run today.

Warrior tank
Priest heals
Rogue dps (me)
Mage dps

And then it came down to a hunter or a pally.

No question the Ret got the run, the hunter got the bench.
The bonus of the entire thing was, the Ret was just so happy to be in a group with people who didn’t care, they gladly used the class to it’s best, to use LOH to save a wipe, and clutch healed.

What a damned trooper.

Hunter might as well not exist during leveling, maybe during raids might take one here or there but otherwise GTFO.

So two boe world drops that cost a lot. and 2 horde items. Thanks for proving the point

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I’d like to say the same thing about warriors and rogues taking xbows, but there’s so many of each it’s just not possible - when they make up like 40% of the population at least alone.

I’ve seen less Rogues in classic than I’ve seen any other class except shaman.
In vanilla on my rogue I always passed on ranged weapons to Hunter’s first and I plan on doing the same in classic

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Probably because they’re stealthed.

Contrary to popular opinion Rogues just don’t run around in stealth in vanilla / classic. Stealth lowers your speed down to ridiculously slow. Therefore the only time you go into stealth is right before starting combat.


Rogue builds group so he doesn’t have to share loot with anyone, more news at 11



Yep, the only risk he takes is the Warrior taking Cruel Barb (as it’s good for tanking) and, much later, his prebis as they share most of it.

My favourite part is where he doesn’t care at all that everyone else in the group shares an armor class with someone else, as long as he doesn’t have to share with anyone the group is just perfect.

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Oh. Good to know.

Yup. I’d love it if someone took, “his” gear just to, “spite” him.

It’s pretty common practice, imo. If you want to put together a group, you can do it however you like. Why not make it in such a way as to maximize your drop potential since nobody else wanted to take the initiative in the first place?

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I only see druids more and I am counting hunters as well.

Thanks for reporting yourself ninja. Took tell the first dungeon to show your true colors

I would reroll. You are a ninja and learn from this. At least you are not to far along.

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I see where youre going i do think its better in rogues.
Where i do disagree is if youre in melee youre doing something wrong. Sfk? Bfd? Dynamic respawns? Theirs tons of reasons hunters are in close quarters especially this early.

It only feels right to me in retail though.

I played a hunter during Vanilla- I don’t think I ever saw a rogue or warrior NOT roll need on a ranged weapon I needed during the time.

Since I’ve been playing- a mage this time- I’ve had warriors roll need on multiple caster staves, a caster neck- pallies on cloth hats and shoulders.

It might not have been better for you than for him- but it was an upgrade, so it wasn’t ninja looting. And 100% if a ranged weapon had dropped, that rogue and the tank would have rolled on it, 100%.


I disagree, Outside of an occasional wing clip needed (for the instances you mentioned) - you should never be melee’ing. I have played hunter and the best thing a player can learn is how to kite. Kiting keeps you alive and maximizes your dps.

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I was guilty of this as the warrior. I didn’t understand the pain…

You can’t always be at range in PvP, so a fat 2h helps with heavy Raptor Strikes. In PvE you can maximize DPS on some bosses by running in and out of melee for a quick Raptor when everything is on CD.

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