Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

uh the absolute best in slot weapon for hunters during vanilla was a crossbow in naxx.

in aq40 it was a gun, or bow if you didn’t need the hit. bwl it was also a crossbow

it was only a bow during mc, and that bow was the epic quest which not all hunters will get. in which case - core marksman rifle, strikers mark or blastershot launcher.

Way to show off your ignorance.

  • You aren’t rolling a race depending on +weapon skill as a hunter if you’re min-maxing. You roll troll for Berserking or NE for the slightly higher base agi.

  • Weapon skill is useless. Dwarves only benefit from their racial when they’re using an overpriced pre-raid BiS item, Dwarven Hand Cannon, and trolls only benefit from it using Rhok’Delar.

If you’re going to try and make an argument, try not to have it be entirely based on ignorance.

whats funny is this probably never happened and the OP got a 300 post troll thread going

I’m not reading all of that, but basically: It’s a god tier weapon for rogue until the 30s, and it’s not going to do a lot for a hunter.

Roll on it if you’re not with any rogues, but yeah.

Melee weaving is a thing, but you’d want a fat 2-hander and not a 1h stat stick.

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Melee and autoshot are on different timers. You can do both.

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Weapon progression is pre-raid Xbow (Carapace Spine Crossbow) -->Rhok’dela–>Ashjre’Thul (BWL xbow)–>Nerubian Slavemaker (Naxx xbow)

You want to use Ashjre’Thul through AQ40 because it’s still better than Larvae of the Great Worm (AQ40 gun), and you wouldn’t want to use the other MC ranged weapons. Blastershot is a fury or melee PVP weapon, Core Marksman Rifle is an overpriced crafted item that’s not even good because it’s too fast.

If your guild is giving Striker’s Mark to hunters, you need to find a better guild. It’s garbage for hunters because it’s too fast and it’s BiS for melees until AQ if not later.

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None of the weapons mentioned in this thread are BIS for either class so ok.

:frowning: your progression reminded me of my sadness in vanilla… after I don’t know how many BWL clears, Ashjre never dropped in all of my time there and I was first in line for it the whole time… Used Rhok all the way to Naxx but sadly we only downed instructor before TBC launch.

And this is why people hate hunters. :wink:

Neither of these things are true. It’s not “god-tier” for rogues, it’s inferior to easily available BOEs. And it is the best stat stick for a hunter, in the slot that contains the largest amount of stats.

It’s obviously a hunter weapon.

Just like Smite’s Mighty Hammer.

Almost none of the BOP dungeon drop ranged weapons have any stats. All the weapons with stats are BOE until around level 50+. So feel free to ninja weapons that are useless to you from hunters if it makes you feel better, but don’t kid yourself it’s anything like this situation, where the weapon in question was actually BIS for the hunter.

The melee weapon slot is the slot that contains the most stats for every class in Classic. It’s pretty likely that the 12ap on this 1 hand sword is more AP than the rest of the hunter’s gear combined. Saying that hunters can’t roll on stats in the slot that has the most of them is simply ridiculous.

Your threat makes zero sense because ranged weapons have comparatively zero stat budget itemisation, all their itemisation budget is in the weapon DPS - which is why very few ranged weapons lower than ilvl 60 have any stats at all. The same is not true for Melee weapons.

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Thread is to big to read. Sorry if this is repeating. The deadmines weapon, for hunters, is the 2h +Agi weapon. Ap is not ranged ap. Barb has ap.

AP is ranged AP, although I agree that the pole is the go.

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AP is AP, unless it specifices R(anged)AP or F(eral)AP.

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Oh, that’s pretty useful info. I assumed unless it said ranged, it was melee. Never really played hunter. What is the crit, ac, ap, and dodge gained at 20 from the 7 agi on the 2h?

There’s also the melee AP specifier associated with the orc racial Blood Fury

That depends on level, it’s not really determined. Each point of agility is 2 RAP, so it’s still worth more individually. If you have a second Cruel Barb it’s similar though.