Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

AP gives hunters ranged attack power, so no, it isn’t useless at all. In fact, it’s the best stat a weapon can have for a hunter.


This guy has a white bow instead of the green for his level because it’s not really an upgrade. If I could afford it, I’d buy it to put into the AH for more money.

Anyone else find it odd that Valinor and Triddle have nearly identical avatars?

Yeah it’s the strongest they can get at that level, but that is really only important to level 19 twinks, because once they get to level 20 an hour later there are tons of options, not least of all basically every quest reward from that point on, something that almost never rewards a hunter melee weapon.

Can you name an example of a weapon stronger than the barb within 6 levels of it? Last i checked this weapon typically lasted rogues till their late 20s early 30s…

He’s talking about Hunters, which pick up polemarms at 20.

And I’m wrong.

Aside from epic world drops.
Hunter pre-raid BiS ranged slot: Blackcrow from LBRS
Rogue pre raid BiS ranged slot: Blackcrow from LBRS

so… should rogues not pass on this weapon when it is an upgrade for a hunter? And actually, there is a very good argument here for rogues due to the +1% hit on this cross bow.

Who’s put more time into the guild to get it? Who’s put more work to get there? Who got loot the last time?

Shadowfang (BOE) is equivalent
The Butcher (BOE) is better
Outlaw Sabre (BFD quest reward) is superior
Wingblade (WC quest reward) slightly worse but only slightly

The only thing special about Cruel Barb is that it’s the #1 weapon for level 19 twinks. For any other rogue it’s going to be replaced in a few levels just like anything else.

It’s LBRS… If guild run, there won’t be too much of an issue since typically people are civil and polite in guild runs and will be nice.

But chances are LBRS will be pugged. What do you think should happen here? Should rogues be civil and say: “hey, not only is this a good stat upgrade for the hunter, it is also a great dps increase in terms of weapon dps, I will pass”. or “+1% hit man, I need it for my hit cap, need!”

You are the reason the whole “hunter weapon” meme exists.

Sure, it’s good for both of you, but it’s WAY better for a rogue than a hunter. Do what you want, I don’t care, but don’t be surprised when people gripe about it.

If a pug, I’d typically say roll on. The issue with me comes when it’s a paladin or a mage rolling on it. I would mind a druid rolling on a polearm in classic just because they cannot use it.

To be honest… I don’t really know what I will do now… I’m just kinda hoping to avoid the situation and try to run with people I know.


Absolutely the rogue should be able to roll on it, if you’re actually min-maxing as a hunter then a crossbow would be pretty useless anyway since you’d either be a troll or a dwarf.

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+5 skill is really not so great.

That’s what I would do. But then again, I’m a Hunter so I’ll catch blame for everything, even if it’s not my fault. I’m also selective in what I want and I’m up front about it. Below 40 I’m more intersted in XP and money. The spear from VC, the bow from WC should last me a while. I’ve got to compete with you and druids for leather until then, and even afterwards. I’m also probably going to go prot warrior or holy pally anyways.

But the situation is that the crossbow is actually a weapons upgrade for the hunter. Maybe he/she has a green weapon, maybe a low level blue. Even if dwarf, weapon upgrade is still weapon upgrade, so the rogue should still roll?

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Well, not sure if you read my earlier posts in this thread but I mained hunter back in vanilla and it really wasn’t too bad. Most people are civil.

If you read the forums, everyone says need on all BOEs, but in practice, we all just greed and only need if upgrade. Most of these discussions are really just online theory or social crafting. I find most people to be cool in general and just ignore the ones who are not. It’s classic so no cross realms and true ninjas will always be outed.

Dude, you’re high AF. First off, Cruel Barb does not get replaced at level 20. Most rogues continue to use that sword well into their late 20s. You listed two BoE blues that are superior (lol…) along with a Horde quest reward, when most rogues that get the Cruel Barb will be alliance.

Second, your whole stance on this is just wrong. You obviously don’t know much about hunters to begin with, as crossbows are pretty much the BiS weapon type throughout all of Vanilla/Classic. A rogue should never be rolling against a hunter’s BiS item, just like a hunter should never be rolling on any BiS melee weapon, stats or not.

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all these posts of hunters acting like they melee a lot. its hilarious. if youre ever in melee for any duration of time other than to wing clip and kite away, youre misplaying your class. auto shot in every way shape and form does more damage

if you roll on a melee weapon and take it from my warrior, you can be assured im rolling on the next bow thats an upgrade for me


I mained one as well, and in some circles on my old servers I was known. I’ve found that it was 50/50.

I blame Retail and Heirlooms for this. It’s hard to find any reason not to when you already have the gear, and that metanlity has some bleed over. IMO though