Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

Outside of PvP, I really don’t think that I’d use RS that much to be honest.

It’s way, way easier for a rogue to find a replacement for Cruel Barb than it is for a hunter. Notably all of the weapons with proc effects are useless for hunters but very good for rogues. Like it or not, this is an actual hunter weapon, and there’s no reason at all why hunters shouldn’t be able to roll on it.


Honesty I’d rather avoid the kinds of players with whom I might be trashing my reputation.

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I use it a moderate amount in PvE, but more to the point I find myself in PvP a lot, where it can really count. The difference between a wet noodle barb raptor strike and a 3.x speed two hander of agility is huge.

Then call me a fool. I mained hunter in vanilla from MC to Naxx and the only time I felt like I really NEED that awesome melee DPS weapon was the U’goro demon for the Rhok quest. So no, hunter melee weapon is not like a rogue off-hand; it’s a stat stick.

And my hunter had both the Warblades of Hakari. A rogue prolly should have gotten them but not my fault they were not in the raid.

If you PvP or melee weave, the weapon damage is important to consider.


this thread makes me afraid to do groups on my hunter ROFL. i would never and have never rolled ms on a one hander over a melee class. legit you should be using a polearm anyway and not dual wielding. it’s better to use a polearm. i have a 120 hunter in retail and when he was leveling i mostly prayed for people who aslo equipped bows to not roll against him.

Even for PvP or melee weave, you are better off with a slow pole arm for that one hit, but even then… I’m not convinced melee should ever be sought after. It’s more of a, oh crap, i’m caught in melee, better wing clip, maybe get a raptor strike in, and GTFO.

edit: for all the hunter defending this behavior, I hope you are as ardent about this position when melee roll on your ranged weapons.

In which case, 2-hand weapon.
Lupine Axe
Scythe Axe
Impaling Harpoon

And for gods sake at 24 get an Armor Piercer!

it’s strange to see the length to which some people will defend ninja looting.

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Agreed. They can find justification for anything. I never dreamed of rolling on melee weapons when a melee actually needed it during my hunter times in vanilla.

this is my hunter for anyone who cares.

it’s nuts to me. just because you CAN equip something doesn’t mean you SHOULD. there’s a polearm that drops in VC i think that would’ve been the better option for him. he should’ve just done it a few times and gotten that. imo.

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I agree that he ‘should’ have passed the barb, in the sense that it’s the nice thing do. Rolling on it doesn’t make him a ninja though.

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Well, like I said in my first post in this thread, the OP then should be consistent in his behavior and not complain when melees roll on range upgrade for him.


you aren’t doing RFK at 24

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i have a melee hunter. as you can see from me posting on him a few minutes ago. however, in vanilla all hunters were RANGED. as their main thing. it is ninjaing in the same way that rolling on a caster staff that has higher base damage on your warrior is vs a caster in the group. yes it would do more damage but also yes it’s a MUCH bigger upgrade for the other person. that does make him a ninja. what do you think about a warrior rolling on an int shield against a holy pally or resto shaman if it has higher armor/stam/block? this will tell me all i need to know about you. :stuck_out_tongue:

are you a melee class? no you are not

this would be like me (a rogue) rolling on a blue gun/bow/crossbow because it has ap/agil stats over a hunter…

you ninja’d

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They have melee hunters now?

I think anyone is within their rights to roll on any item that’ll be an upgrade for them. Personally I don’t roll on minor upgrades against people for whom they’re major upgrades, but that’s up to the player to decide.

For the record, I’m okay with that. Roll if you need it.

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