Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

It’s purely a polite thing. You won’t be meleeing much as a Hunter, and it’s a massive upgrade for a Rogue. It’s the same as expecting a Rogue/Warrior to pass on a ranged weapon you need.

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Exactly my thoughts. But this is apparently a very controversial opinion.

Edit: this also applies to your own class. If I have a 19dps gun and you have a 12 dps gun and a 20 dps gun drops, I’ll pass it to you. It’s the same etiquette - massive upgrade vs minor upgrade, I’ll pass to the massive upgrade, the details don’t matter. But this is a kind of soft etiquette, unlike the hard and fast need or greed system, which despite the insistence of some pandas, is not applicable to this situation.

Its really not…

A few idiots say the Earth is flat. That doesn’t make it controversial.

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It’s BiS for hunters for a good while.

I let my friend, a 24 hunter, roll on it with no issues when he won it over me (though, to be fair, 4 people were rolling and I lost). But it went to a good home.

I know that (mostly because they each are comprised of totally different letters and sequence)…

Who cares about “will”

In this specific instance… let’s assume that both WILL use it if they win it…

That being equal, the next (and real) metric to use is SHOULD.

For one (the ROGUE), its a massive upgrade to dps (arguably) with few options at that level… for the other, its a decent upgrade, but there are better weapons to be had at that level.

Viewed from that perspective, the rogue should have gotten the weapon.

It’s all moot, but as others have mentioned, this is why hunters got such a bad reputation in vanilla because despite your protests to the contrary, only a dumb Hunter would risk getting a bad rep over a weapon that isn’t BIS at that level for his class.

Rep on Classic servers is a thing again… if you get a rep as a douchenozzle, there isn’t much you can do to fix it because perception is reality.

Welcome to the Hunter game

Where you use every stat, nd your opinions don’t matter.
It doesn’t go away, especially at 60 when you SHARE BiS with Warriors AND Rogues.

I mean… it’s better for rogues, but it’ll last as a stat stick for a fair while. I just don’t think that nice bonus makes up for a Rogue not having a much better weapon.

I’m hoping there’s an unspoken promise for Hunters not to roll on Dal’rend’s or HoJ (both pre-raid BiS for Hunters) against Warriors/Rogues, and they don’t take our xbows.

hunters need to have their melee skills up. they can’t miss a disengage or a wing clip as that would mean death for the hunter. it’s even more important if that hunter pvp’s.

the only weapons hunters should go for are those that give agility and/or ap/hit/crit. that’s it. it doesn’t matter if it’s an axe, dagger, sword, polearm or staff. the dps on the weapon does not matter it’s the stats and if it’s a big upgrade for that hunter stat wise then yes, the hunter has every right going in.

it’s the hunters that roll on statless or strength based weapons that should be chastised.

12ap on a 1h is equivalent to 6 agility and it won’t be replaced by another 1h stat wise until the 40’s. the hunter will get more and longer use out of it than a rogue who needs agility and strength and weapon dps.

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It’s selfish of the rogue to not let the hunter roll. I am a rogue in classic. Like others have said, just wait till 60 best-in-slot happens: so many shared items --dal rends.

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I disagree. Those are what you want for your stat weapons, but for your raptor strike weapon it’s all about the damage range.

So I played a Vanilla Hunter. You were wrong. I get what you think your argument is, but that is not the argument you’re having.

It doesn’t matter if the rogue and mage were polite about it. They dropped group because you ninja’d the Barb.

Yes, +AP would work from the sword to up your range, yes hunters can use pretty much all weapons but should they?

That AP value wasn’t worth it to you, if you’re stacking those two slots, two random greens with agility would have been better for you than this.

But the sword is one of the best a rogue can get at that level. You literally took this guys best in slot because it had a tiny amount of AP. You will easily replace what is essentially garbage in your hands running the next instance up. That rogue may have to run VC 10 times to get that 15% drop.

It’s not that the weapon wouldn’t be a fine upgrade for you if no one needed it, but you snatched a sandwich out of a starving child’s hands because you would have to wait 30 minutes for your next meal.

I wouldn’t have banned you from groups outright, but by the simple fact that it sounds like you argued about it, I’d have kicked you out and added your name to the forum blacklist to keep you from getting a group on the whole server, was hard enough for a hunter to get a group because of people like you!


This thread is one reason hunters used to play merry hell finding dungeon groups.


your raptor strike damage does not take precedence over the other melee classes. this is what separates the hunters from the huntards.

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The argument is that it is selfish. But selfishness is also not letting the hunter roll because the item helps the rogue more. Its better to let the roll decide.

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just an fyi there is no way to get the equivalent of 12ap in a 1h with a level 19 green. 1h greens don’t reach 6 agi on them until the late 30’s. at best he could find two 3 agi 1handers for a total of 12ap or if he’s lucky an “of agility” green 2h in the early 30’s which will have 12agi on it but no other stats.

the rogue will replace the cruel barb far sooner than any hunter who can ride that 12ap well into the early 40’s.


Knowing that your weapon is more than a stat stick?

You do realize AP boosts range damage too. It has nothing to do with being in melee range…


Well, no.

He rolled need on what is probably the best hunter melee weapon before level 45. Not many melee weapons have stats that benefit hunters, Cruel Barb is one of the best ones.

The “hunter weapon” meme comes from hunters rolling on weapons that didn’t even benefit them (staves with caster stats or swords with strength). This is not one of those examples.

Like it or not a 1 hander with 12 AP is a hunter item in the exact same way that a trinket with AP is.


you are not going to be in a situation where you can only melee often enough to warrant you having priority on a weapon that is ONLY a MELEE dps upgrade for you and not a major upgrade to ranged ap/hit/crit. You might want to not continue posting on your classic character - rep actually matters and you are actively trashing yours.

While this is true, it’s still the case that it’s a much bigger deal to the rogue in the leveling phase, even if they’ll replace it sooner. There are also good 2h weapons that can double as a comparable stat stick as well as being a good weapon, and they’re easier to get. One handers are terrible for raptor strike, which is worth a lot more than most of the folk in this thread give it credit for.