Why wouldnt you just leave guild anyways. Theyve shown thier nature. For someone who doesnt do BS your sure sticking around for more in your relaxation time
Because his guild did the right thing and he should learn from his mistakes.
Hunter’s should always take a back seat on melee weapons, and melee should always do the same for ranged. Primary weapon >>> Stat stick.
People like OP are the reason some melees feel entitled to rolling on ranged weapons they’ll use as stat sticks over hunters.
I mean, I still won’t roll on a ranged if a hunter in group needs it…that’s just common sense.
Hunters should also have enough common sense (heh) to not need on melee over actual melee classes.
Ok, you wing clip, you raptor strike, we get it. But you’re a ranged class.
You can’t melee in the deadzone.
I forgot that. IIRC it’s a gold to learn polearms.
To reply without insulting you like some others and try to explain why it is better for the rogue than for a hunter. As a rogue it actually increases their dps far more significantly as they actually gain the dps from the weapon itself in addition to the stats. For a hunter you do not gain actual dps from the melee weapon just the marginal amount from some attk power. So while yes you do benefit from it as well the rogue benefits from it at a much higher magnitude as yourself. If the roles were reversed and the rogue rolled on a ranged weapon just because it had stats but it was a significant ranged dps upgrade for you i bet you would be upset as well. Gotta put yourself into the other persons shoes. I always ask in party chat if its ok if i roll as its just a stat stick etc. you can avoid alot of drama by being thoughtful and considerate.
It’s a gold well spent. Several good polearms out there, and you can end up using that particular one for a long while I’d you don’t get lucky. Dual wielding costs half that (maybe less even, don’t recall) but is mostly useless.
IDK Typhoon has 20 agility and it’s chance to parry works with Counter Attack in PvP.
classic.wowhead .com/item=18542/typhoon
I agree and I am unlucky. I spent most of Cata with two weapons drops.
In classic/vanilla… NEED > GREED… for this instance, the rogue NEEDs it (full time melee dps), the hunter WANTS it (part time melee dps stat stick).
No real NEED on behalf of the hunter… it isn’t even best for a hunter… its one secondary weapon that could be useful until a better stat stick is found. Not sure why there is even an argument.
Well, usually NEED means that you will WEAR the item, whereas GREED means that you will NOT WEAR the item. As someone was saying earlier in the thread, apparently the community thinks it’s okay for a warrior to NEED a 2 agi 6 int ring.
Only fools think of melee weapons as mere stat sticks for hunters. It’s closer to the importance of a rogue’s offhand than their bow.
Edit: forgot to mention in this post (if I don’t say it in any post someone will lose their minds) I don’t roll against rogues or warriors on melee weapons. I’m just not a total control freak, and I don’t support the control freak attitude of these forums. Need before greed, not need* before greed.
(*) except hunters
Is this some kind of copy pasta meme? Boy I hope so…
Pretty sure it’s fresh pasta. Definitely a troll thread though. Wall of text, ‘sword rogues are hard to come by’, etc.
What did you guys laugh about.
“Wear” is a bit vague… and much less complicated than the reality however. That’s like a Intellect ring for a warrior… you can wear it, but should you?
In vanilla, I never would roll NEED on anything that wasn’t specifically meant for my class (not CAN USE, but MUST USE). But whatever… one of the reasons I never ran dungeons in vanilla unless it was a guild group. PUGS have never been worth the aggravation when things get complicated on loot.
I am a sword rogue, always have been. we’re more common than you might expect.
Generally, it is polite for a rogue/warrior to defer to a hunter on ranged weapons, or a hunter to defer to a rogue/warrior for melee weapons.
Think how you would feel if they took one of the best bows/guns available for 5-10 levels.
It’s not that you can’t use them or roll need, just check whether they also need it first, since it can’t be traded afterwards. (inspect to check what they are using if you doubt they need it)
An honest mistake is an honest mistake, and your guild would be wrong to take action against you for this, other than helping you to understand for future dungeons.
WILL and CAN are DIFFERENT words.
Kind of not cool for you to roll without asking but I wouldn’t have an issue with it. Now, if this was when BGs are open and people are twinking different story, but then again if I were looking for twink gear I’d run with friends or guildies AND state what I was looking for at start of the run.
Where I see an issue here is with your guild. Their reaction as you described is pretty bad. I’d leave them, personally.