Lmao /10char
Sorry dude, but you were not in the right here. I wouldn’t play with you if you repeatedly took things away from the people who actually need them.
Warriors can use bows too and if they took a good one of those you’d be upset.
You are ranged first and for most. Just bcaeuase you can melee does not mean you should. I can Melee, it is not a good idea for to do so…
And you should probably research stats.
Straight attack power only affects Melee. It has to say RANGED attack power for it to affect ranged.
A hunter who melee’s in classic is a bad hunter unless you are full raptor spec which is not possible at level 20.
You where int he wrong and you are ninja. An ignorant ninja at that.
If it’s an upgrade for the rogue, you should have let him have it, vice versa if a ranged weapon drops, since hunter is a ranged class.
Yes there are few exceptions where you melee in PvE, such as Lava Surgers in MC, and one of the demons for the Rhok’delar quest, but outside of that you want to be ranged and kiting if needed.
Same for PvP although there are a few exceptions, obviously melee classes will try to get in melee range to you, and inevitably this will happen, so sometimes it’s a good move to Raptor Strike and Wing Clip them, but then you want to proceed back to kiting them. Also for PvP you’ll want a slow 2H for big Raptor Strikes.
It really goes both ways, but as long as you are consistent with your mentality, then I guess it’s okay. Please do not complain when rogues and wars roll on DPS range upgrade for you when they need the +1% hit or the AP form them.
Edit: read a few of your comments on hunter melee… I mained hunter my whole time in vanilla and no, you should not melee. You melee when you simply cannot get away, but the goal is always to get out of melee and into ranged. Also, by that argument, rogues and wars can range too.
Man… threads on melee hunters and all weapons are hunter weapons are starting really early this time around, haha
For leveling and world PvP it’s honestly a better idea to focus on 2-handers. You don’t want the dual wield miss penalty, and aside from wing clip, you DO want hard hitting raptor strikes when something crosses your dead zone. Melee is on a separate timer than auto shot, it’s free damage.
Did you read what you wrote and still posted it? The dead zone is the only time melee matters for hunters…
yeah its not even what you look for in pvp, but was probably better than what they had
it was a dick more for sure, i would be mad if i was that rogue. this would be like a rogue winning venom strike over a hunter lmao
I think they know exactly what they are doing and getting a thrill out of it. How could they be so stupid…
Total dick move. Your guild should definitely boot you. Mistakes happen. But you refuse to accept you made a mistake and continually justify bad behavior. That makes good cause to boot.
I hope a rogue needs your epic bow because they too can shoot.
Your guild sounds fun. I would 100% not pass. I’d gquit instantly after those dumb comment by them. Its deadmines for god sakes not end game lol. You needed it you used it. I don’t see that problem.
Why would you need that one as a hunter? I can understand the polearm, but not barb.
OP said that he Duel Whields and doesn’t realize how suboptimal that is unless it gives better stats than a 2h does. That and you can’t even train Polearms until 20 and most people who traditionally run VC are below that. I’d have grabbed the spear or the 2h axe before the sword, but that’s me.
You are a HUNTARD… a retarded Hunter if you cant understand why people wont like you.
Let’s have an opposite scenario. Let’s say, a Bow drop. The Warrior roll need but you need it too. And he won. He gained +12 AP on it. How would you feel? Would you like it? Would your guild like it? They would ban that f*cking warrior. And that’s what your guild is going to do with you. You deserve it.
Need before Greed.
I believe dual wielding is learned at level 20 as well. OP should have spent his silver training polearms instead of wasting it on learning dual wielding. DW is such garbage until much much later in the game when you can stack a lot of +hit. 2H weapons like swords, polearms, and staves are way way better for the rare times where you have to hit something from melee range. Plus you have the added bonus of not pissing off every rogue and warrior you play with.
Sorry bud, as a hunter main, you are wrong in every way, and part of why there is so much negative stigma around ‘hunter loot.’
Yes, the weapon is an upgrade for you, there is no refuting that. But at this early of a level, that amount of AP is going to do next to nothing. Weapon damage/dps is king at low levels, and while this would be a marginal damage increase for you, it is the BiS weapon for a rogue and could quite literally double/triple his damage.
Think about it in a reverse scenario. Before AV rewards come out, Carapace Spine Crossbow is the BiS pre-raid weapon. It’s an amazing crossbow with high topend damage and slow attack speed, but also has 4 agi and 9 stam. Now, a rogue could very easily need this because he has zero stats on his ranged weapon. Should the rogue EVER need this over a hunter getting his BiS pre-raid weapon? Of course not. It works both ways, and you were in the wrong 1000%.
Couldn’t agree more with this. DW is terrible for hunters, the use cases are so marginal. One of those skills you might one day train if you run into a situation where you somehow want to DW.
Don’t complain when a rogue rolls need on a bow that is an upgrade for you because it gives him some agility.
OP Sounds like a bad hunter tbh…You don’t need to be rolling on gear that’s better for others classes to melee. Any meh green 2H will do as a OS weapon.
You really only need to learn how to wield staves for Lok’delar, and 2H swords so you can run around IF with Zin’rokh, Ashkandi, Kalimdor’s Revenge, and Corrupted Ashbringer.