Crossfaction will not fix premades.. And here's why

The worst they’ve said about it is they weren’t “fond of it”. That in no way shape or form indicates they ever intended on actioning people like Thaedreu’s fever dreams wish.

There was only a “BG queue”. The Epic/Regular split came later.
It just means I will never touch epics again (too chaotic, low fps and now, lots of premades).

WE had many topics on this already, and at least a decade ago, they were very much against premades in BGs.

I really gotta thank topics like this to know who to ignore.

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Well, you’re just going to go on my list of people not worth engaging along with Hirav. Later.

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Blizzard is know to not care much about random bg’s that doesn’t mean people should be allowed to make it worse by pushing players away.


Some still not getting the heavy hitter thing… See this recent, screenshot as an example? Shovlbucket - Stormrage had the AA the whole time, not me, I never had it, yet out-damaged him with same class & spec without dying. Point is, if you have 5 people in a group that know how to not die and can all out-damage/heal players who even have the AA, it doesn’t matter if all 35 people in their “premade” missed the que, YOU are still going to LOSE that game to this 5 man squad every single time if you’re not an organized premade yourself. If I had 4 heavy hitters queuing with me instead of queing solo here, this defeat would’ve been an easy win all day long.

You get two healers that can do a billion or two in heals in an epic and 3 heavy hitters grouped with them that can do a billion in dmg without the AA (and its assumed that these 5 play together a lot and are always in VC)… Forget it… This 5 man group doesn’t need the 35 others at all. In fact, I predict you’re going to start seeing a lot more of these heavy hitters banding together if it goes full cross faction. These 5 man, grouped up, basically; Thyraz-death-squads will still be dominating the epics without the 35 hangers-on in tow to avoid the 40 person-que/drop-cross-faction headache if it happens… As long as they’re grouped together in 5, in won’t matter which faction they’re on man, if you’re not on the one they’re on for that game, you will lose badly and get rolled 99 out of 100 times with just the group of 5 heavy hitters in an epic. Even if their team is filled with 35 pugs and clueless, PVE-training-dummies running around for that months’ quest, the 5 monsters will still carry it all.

I’d hardly call anyone queuing recently “monsters” anyone can parse on balance Druid in full gear.

But if you were to catch any of these “high damage” balance druids alone they are done.

Especially after their dots got buffed by their hero talents.

Playing the class itself is a joke and an unborn fetus could probably do it if given a keyboard. The key lies in everything else gear…enchants… consumables like saltwater… knowing about simple burst macros.

But the thing is most people who do those things and know those things are not in epics… because epics and randoms are where usually new players go. Because everything in the game points them to that location. You can’t even que rated without a certain Ilvl so that leaves randoms as their only option only to head dome first into potentially sweaty premades.

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“Daddy? What does it look like if one of the “heavy hitters” actually gets ahold of the AA during the game?”

“Just run son, run away as fast as you can and don’t look back okay? Promise me.”


Nah any of them I can easily shut down with grip.

As much as they’d like to 1 shot me they can’t and if I have semi competent dps they will follow up on my grips.

Same can be said for any dk. Dk shuts down ranged better than any other melee.

We just got a replacement for randoms, a mostly replacement, at least.

Now we just need better leveling content, and fresh 70 gearing.

Asking them to go back and fix decades old content that is inherently unfixable is a waste.

They should keep iterating on the 8v8 blitz format. Make a scaled version that people can use for leveling.

Yes a good 5 man can make epic battlegrounds pretty, errm, interesting. But they can be shut down.

I remember way back in vanilla there was a fury warrior and 2 holy paladins who were just tearing through us in AV. They all had amazing gear of course and the paladins could heal all day.
That is, until I mind controlled the warrior which caused the rest of our team to run over the paladins.
Or I mana burned the paladins, so they couldn’t heal anymore.

My point is that it’s a lot easier for a single player to mess up a 5 player premade in a 40 player battleground, than it is for a single player to do the same against a 20 or 30 player premade.

Death grip them, mind control them, teleport them, get them out of position and put them in a place where the rest of your team will see them and focus them and no amount of organization will save a group from that.

Randoms bg’s are content all the way up to 80. How exactly is that “decades old content” they just revamped a dungeon from Cata. This just sounds like excuses so you and other like you can keep abusing random bgs.

Warsong Gulch release date 2005-06-07

My point is it’s still played. Should they not revamp old dungeons? Your argument doesn’t make any sense.

They make new versions of old dung. The old ones are still there.

They have made a new version of Random BG.

They can make a new version of it for leveling and gearing.

They should leave the old legacy content alone for those who still want to visit, and make new content for the people who want to play an updated game.

And once again 40v40 is done, not possible to make it a good competitive format. Not worth the effort to try.

This is simply your opinion. Before the sync problem lots of people played it. Just be honest and say you like to exploit it, so you don’t want it changed.

It’s an opinion clearly shared by blizz, as they have not touched any 40v40 content in a few expansions.

And no, I barely play it. I did some randoms and epics last week to get my lead PvP toon honor geared, but I won’t be Qing for anything but BGB once the season starts.

People have been trying to get raid groups into 40v40 since launch. There was no before. That is it’s fatal flaw.

There is no way to play the map properly without some organization, but allowing organization means allowing big groups, it’s a fatal flaw of the entire format.

So blizzard shouldn’t care about content people pay to play?..

I honestly don’t blame you. But I am someone that used to love random bg’s and would love to see them brought back to a good place again. Why is that so bad?

They should be focusing Dev time on making new and better content using the lessons they learned from previous mistakes, Mistakes like 40v40

Because we have a new random BG format that fixes the problems. Why play something flawed and broken when you can play something better?

What exactly is wrong with 40v40?

That would be cool if they did it sure. But what exactly would you even want?