Crossfaction will not fix premades.. And here's why

Yep, always denying facts. You claimed I was a liar as well, yet nothing happened. That’s blatant favoritism. But it’s ok. I know people like you need to abuse things in order to feel better.

I don’t think that was the reason that your posts were reported.

All I did was report a post.

It takes multiple reports from unique accounts to get a post squelched.

The forum mods must have agreed with the reports they received.

To be honest It would not surprise me if you got your community to brigade these sorts of posts.

Can I prove it ? Nope. Blizz could but would never.

But honestly, it would not surprise me if you or your ilk resorted to such measures.

The only time I’ve reported things is when it is blatantly not adding to the discussion or / and trolling. It’s kind of sad that you do that


If you had seen the posts calling people mentally ill, you would have reported them too.

And I don’t need to brigade the forums, people who say stupid things get their posts reported.

A) It’s not a problem, no need to fix.

B) 40 v 40 is inherently broken legacy content, It was an unworkable idea from the start, and now it’s time to let it exist as legacy content, as is, while they put Dev effort into new PvP like BGB

Premades have been in the game for almost as long as stealth has so Hirav’s argument makes sense.

Like hacks have been used in counter strike have been cheating since its creation. Doing something that harms others enjoyment of the game…since the beginning doesnt make it the right thing to do.


I’m not sure why I keep having to repeat this, but here we go again, sync premades have been around forever yes, but it has never been this big of a problem and it has never been something that blizzard has wanted according to them. Cheaters have always been around as well, does that make cheating ok?


Organizing in discord or in communities is not cheating, and it is what the content was made for. Epic BG were always meant to allow, but not require, being in a group.

It is part of why 40 v 40 BG was a flawed idea to start with. A cool idea, but fatally flawed.

Except it isn’t a hack, so your comparison is flawed. Just like Thaedreu’s lack of understanding in every thread.

Exploiting is cheating according to blizzard. Exploiting is doing something not intended by the game. According to blizzard it’s not intended for large, organized groups to “pug stomp” random bgs. This isn’t complicated.


I haven’t misunderstood anything. I have done nothing but prove you guys wrong. That’s why you keep spam reporting me.

Not intended, but in hindsight, inevitable.

Blizz sees that and realize it can’t be fixed.

I’m not quite sure in my 20 years of playing wow I’ve encountered someone quite as delusional as you but congrats.

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Screaming someone is “delusional” when they bring you facts and logic is more delusional then anything.

Where have they said it can’t be fixed?


Keep fighting the good fight, but the exploiters will never admit to it, as long as Blizz allows premade sync queuing.

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Same could be said for you to be honest shrugs

I don’t think the forum equivalent of “nuh uh” when presented with a blue post over 10+ threads and counting for an untold number of posts is “facts and logic” but at least your delusion is entertaining on some level.

Sync premades in 40v40 battlegrounds has been around for awhile, but I can count on one hand the number of times I saw it from vanilla through TBC and Wrath (once they changed it so you couldn’t queue for AV in a raid).

The problem is now they are happening way more often, partly due to their popularity and ease of putting together (discord, wow communities, addons, etc), and after years of driving solo/group players away from epics means less non-sync people queueing up for epics which increases the chances you’ll get into a match against a premade.

Also probably didn’t help when random and epic battlegrounds were put into separate queues as I am pretty sure they used to be the same random queue, but I may be misremembering.

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The fact that they haven’t touched epic BG in a couple of expansions.

The 40 v 40 brawl they do is the silliest of them all. Also a callback to days gone by.

The Anniversary 40v40 is known for ridiculously long games. Another callback.

And as far as I know, no one has ever been actioned for hitting the Q button at the same time as their group.

Those are all very strong indicators that they do not see playing with a group to be against the code of conduct.

What we should be asking for is a scaled version of BGB for leveling and gearing freshly capped toons.