Crossfaction will not fix premades.. And here's why

We don’t though. Sync exploiters will still be a problem in BG blitzs.

Premades really should just be disabled completely. Noone gets to play on the same team more than once per day. problem solved.

normal 5-man premades aren’t the problem. Sure, they can be a mess in normal bg’s but the biggest problem is people exploiting the queue system to get huge groups in to “pug stomp”.

Epic 40v40 fights are awesome! But the problem is the current designs of the epic battlegrounds are anything but epic.

AV can actually be fun during prepatch when the NPCs get huge health and damage buffs, making it so you can actually do things like summon your elemental bosses and work together to do the mechanics of the battleground.

So yeah it’s not that 40v40 is a failure, it’s that Blizzard turned them from what was essentially a PvP “raid” into just another battleground match that sometimes takes a bit longer.

Sounds like a git gud situation to me. Premades will never be disabled because your feelings were hurt by someone being more organized than you.

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A scaled and templated “Leveling Blitz” that gives XPat a relatively equal xp/hr as random dungeons.

Lean into the new 8v8 format and the maps. Boost everyone to 80 and scale gear while in the BG,

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Yet it worked just fine for years and years.

This is a terrible idea in my opinion. I have played games that do that, and it never works well.

Except it hasn’t. People have been complaining about organized groups in 40v40 since the first AV.

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More terrible than no option to level in PvP?

More terrible than no real ability to play PvP until one gets to cap?

More terrible than despite reaching cap, to get into the content that isn’t old and broken, one still has to gear up in the old broken content?

I doubt it.

People complain about everything. But you can’t deny it worked. Even when Ashran came out it was hugely popular

There is an option to level in pvp they simple need to fix the problems.

Another problem they could fix.

Yet you don’t want them to fix it you want them to make new stuff that will be broken and neglected. Please explain your logic here.

I’m happy to, because I am not here to fight, I’m here to talk about how to make the game better.

Sometimes building something new is the fix.

40v40 is an awesome idea, but in practice, it is fundamentally flawed.

Too many players in a match just turns into which team can shot call and target assist better. Objectives become less relevant because you don’t have to think about them if you can steamroll the other team.

They dropped 5v5 arena quick as anything.

When was the last time they made a 40 player raid?

On the other side, 2v2, 1v1 with 40 specs to balance? They haven’t really tried for that.

For deathmatch arena, 3v3 does seem to be the sweet spot. and that is where they have been trying to tune things to.

8v8 with duo Q for healers is the sweet spot for BG. They have put together a new and better matchmaking engine, with new and better maps/rulesets. They should use the new tools to improve the leveling and freshly capped experience.

Make some kind of new Leveling Blitz and give it as an option, alongside the old system.

Not something I am expecting to see next week, but I really hope they are working on it.


Latency, uselessness of melee without pocket healing, FPS, balance, coordination nightmare for a random team.

Even 15v15 BGs are already problematic in a sense for a random endeavor.
40v40 could be a thing for rated/premades, but I don’t think that format is popular enough.

They are. Anything over 2 people coordinating is already a significant advantage to the team that have them.

It worked ok at best when everyone was acting like headless chickens. Whenever some strong leadership shows up on one side, the format crumbles.

40v40 could work is it was divided in squads among different, non-overlapping regions, with a possible limited way to exchange players between regions somehow.
Resource/effects generated would benefit the entire raid group.
The win condition would have to be averaged over the squads.

IMHO, this would also be the correct way to make 40man raids work again.

I do agree they need to bring back objective gameplay like how most epics where back in the day where you had to gather recourses and get objectives in order to push up or even get into the enemy base.

That’s what the BGB format does. Puts objectives at the forefront

but’s it’s 8v8 and ranked. People don’t always want to have to go in and sweat. Why can’t there be a casual mode for fun?


The 8v8 part I think is a bonus. like 3v3 is the sweet spot for arena play, 8v8 is where it is at for BG.

I think they should bring back unrated BGB with no gear requirement like it was as a brawl, for those who want good gameplay but don’t care about rating. lower the conquest gain on unrated, make it more about honor and fun.

What about those that like the large-scale battles?

40v40, really 40v anything is an awesome idea that is fundamentally flawed. We should accept that it’s legacy content now.

I assert that focusing on getting back unrated BGB, and maybe even a leveling version of BGB, is what we should be pushing them to do next.

So, you say we should just accept it being exploited and abused. Wild…

I assert that expecting people to play 40 player content without being allowed to group, is a ridiculous ask, and part of the fundamental flaw of 40v40.