Crossfaction will not fix premades.. And here's why

We have 60+ queing and we barely drop. We take what we can get, even if it’s my group that only popped.

10-15 bsg is enough. The more sweaty, the more fun is. It’s the horde that drop ques the most. They’re afraid asf :rofl:

PS: feel free to join our discord and observe lol

Let’s start with just making it harder to do before we make it against the ToS. That would add a lot of workload to the GMs, workload I’d rather they spend on banning people who harass, bot, or exploit.

It doesn’t even have to be all the maps, just something like wintergrasp where if the queues are imbalanced suddenly you get a bunch of wintergrasp games popping up with mixed factions.

If premades start doing specific queues, then the hole in their logic has finally been found, they aren’t looking for conquest to gear, they aren’t doing inhouse wargames, so they’re solely just looking for an advantage that allows them to win.

What they are allowing to happen is killing pvp. If they want pvp to survive they need to fix the problem. If not oh well.

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How can they guarantee being on the same faction?

How will the 24 remaining know which faction they are on if Each group of 5 gets put on a faction?

What is likely to happen is have 30v30 in the same battleground instance.

I think if they can limit queue drops and offer bonus conquest for back fill with account wide instance drop penalty (not too much) and cross faction it’d solve a lot of the issues. Also add back tier on honor and crafted to minimize gear differences, I just don’t think they’d be willing to accept banning a lot of players.

Banning players that cheat does reduce cheating if they get IP address bans along with account bans(accounts erased once they are proved to have cheated). Less cheaters existing on wow servers(games) does equate to less victims of cheaters. Less victims of cheaters should be the goal.

While increasing the minimum sentence for a crime might not convince people to not be criminals, if you could easily identify criminals and legally euthanize them immediately, soon there would be less criminals. Adequately preventing cheaters from existing on wow would help grealty.

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If 60 cheaters attempt to queue sync after blizzard implemented no less than 3 instances of the same mode filling at the same time and pulling no more than 1/3 of the total instance per minute, maybe only one group of 5 could make it into a EBG on the same team.

The ban waves could roll out tomorrow if Blizzard cared to make an algorithm to see who is in what community, guild, and queuing within a few seconds of one another while not in the same party.

People dont even hide it. Rolling into a regular BG with every community member from the same realm.

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They should add a hidden calculator that after you’ve played with a person in a bg it tries to put you on the other team against them the next game. After you’ve entered a bg 3 times in a row with the same player it starts placing you in a separate lobby.

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I am once again going to die on my hill of casual progression systems like renown tracks.

People can argue about premades or factions or anything. None of that’s going to solve that there’s no incentive to do this content for the majority of the playerbase besides fun, and people are going to find winning fun. Peoples feelings on how it’s cheating to group up with others does not matter to the people doing it and never will, because they’re the people losing and it’s just white noise to them.

If you’re going to invest your time into the game as an everyday player, are you going to spam BGs which barely gives you anything cosmetics wise, or go spam LFR and old raids which rains stuff on you for simply breathing?
It’s an RPG. RPGs are very mcuh so fueled by the dressup / immersion crowd, which a lot of PvPers don’t want to acknowledge.

People keep focusing on all the wrong things because they’re upset about the consequences of the lack of playerbase. The majority of live service games, to the point it’s literally every single one I’ve ever played besides WoW, have grinds and tracks to work through of various kinds. They work and it’s being done for a reason, and the unrated game modes in those games are populated because it gives people reasons to play continually while not chasing ladder rankings.
Wow don’t got anything like that. 15+ year old PvP sets don’t count.

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This is literally wrong. The new gems to farm for.

I think this is why premades are so bad right now , if you wanted to Giga min max your conquest gear with gem slots I think it’s over 120,000 honor to farm or something like that.

how psychopathic of you. you probably haven’t thought it through what happens if you ban a psychopath unjustly. i can’t imagine why blizzard doesn’t want to do mass bans against players who aren’t doing anything wrong.

Identified criminals should have their criminal careers stopped, how that happens or doesnt happen is decided by people that get paid more than me. However laws should help remedy the plethora of criminals and reduce the number of victims. I’m pro-death penalty and pro-self defense to include lethal force where legal and appropriate. My ideals do not change for various topics, my morals are a constant.

Queue Syncing IS allowed at the moment even though its victims, who also pay Blizzard, are suffering or quiting the game or affected game modes. If Blizzard was to make Queue Syncing a ToS violation, they would be tasked with developing ways to identify the cheaters and prevent successful Queue Syncing, for the purpose of reducing the volume of victims affected by cheaters.

At the moment Queue Syncers have nothing to fear and do not hide that they are cheating, if that changes it wont be due to my opinion alone, and I wont decide how Blizzard identified who is cheating.

what makes someone a criminal?

if someone presented you with facts that you are operating incorrectly in some fashion, would you change your ways or would you maintain going about things wrong because you value your consistency more than you value being right?

It’s funny this is coming from someone like you. Exploiting is against the rules. What you are doing is exploiting by definition no matter how hard you scream “nuh uh”

Someone that does something illegal and/or against the rules.

Morals are not actions, but can influence actions. Because I have morals, I do not cheat in wow, I do not punish pug groups with my raid team on coms in non-rated play. IRL, if a law passes, I abide by it, especially if it is a felony not to, because I do not wish to harm others or be punished for harming others. What is right or wrong affects my decision making, it does not appear to affect everyone equally.

blizzard stated syncing isn’t exploiting.

just about every single person violates 100 laws every day without even knowing about it.

what if it’s an illegal or unconstitutional law?

If you know you harm others and are fine with it, I cant convince you otherwise and the conversation is a waste of my time.