Crossfaction will not fix premades.. And here's why

Modern “punishments” are a slap on the wrist. That’s simply proving my point even more. But you don’t care you just want excuses like normal.

You’re not though. You are actually proving my point.

That should tell you all you need to know.

Oh, so, the harshest punishments do?

Evidence from around the world has shown that the death penalty has no unique deterrent effect on crime.

Using rigorous statistical and experimental control methods, both economics and criminal justice studies have consistently found that there is no evidence for deterrence of violent crimes in states that allow capital punishment.
Scientific American

Apparently not. Weird.

I see your “education” really worked out well. You are a mindless drone that believes whatever your overlords tell you to believe. Forget the real world and your eyes.

Oh, good, you’re a conspiracy believer. I’m sorry, I live in a place that mostly accepts reality.


Ahh yes use the buzzwords. Simply proving my point even more. You don’t accept reality. You want to live in fantasy world and attack those that point out reality. But you are “educated” so that kind of makes sense.

There’s no point talking to you anymore.

You probably believe the lizard people are hiding the ice wall from you.


Ahh yes pull out the extremes to make me look “crazy”. Classic. You are so easy to read. No i simply live in the real world and believe what I see over what the news and the government tells me to see. You should try it, it’s very liberating.

Ignorance is bliss. As they say.

Explain why you need to exploit in a video game to feel good about yourself. Irony is something you will never understand.

I’m not exploiting anything.

Repeating the same lie over and over doesn’t make it true, just makes you look crazy.

It’s not a lie.

It is. You are doing something not intended by the game therefore exploiting. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

How do you know that?

It could be the intended function of the queue system to place multiple groups into the same instance.

Nope if they wanted large, organized groups in randoms they would allow you to queue together.

No, you’re making an inference. Which could be incorrect.

If they didn’t want multiple groups in the same instance, then why isn’t the system designed to put each group into their own instance?

No, I am saying what blizzard has said a well. Randoms are not intended for large, organized groups. That’s why they have rbgs and wargames. This isn’t up for debate it’s just fact. But you don’t like facts.

And yet, it is not cheating to queue at the same time as other groups, stacking the queue and making a premade.

The only part of that that’s correct is queueing at the same time. But of course, you are moving the goalpost in order to excuse your behavior. Anyways I am simply repeating what blizzard has said so you can keep making excuses till the cows come home. People like you are a stain on this game can’t wait for you to be washed away.

Blizzard is unlikely to accept a plan that would drive off part of their subscriber base, some compromise is needed between two extremes of incompatible opinions.