Crossfaction will not fix premades.. And here's why

While I am sympathetic to die hard faction war folks, for lore reasons or any other, solutions should be implemented to make queue syncing very hard to perform and a banable offense when players are found doing it. RBGs are available, Arena 2s and 3s are available, if you want to pick the totality of your team there is content for that. Using queue syncing to graveyard farm pug groups to fill ego or pass time or what have you is stealing gametime that could otherwise have been a fair match with compelling gameplay from paying customers.

Victimized players are not placated by others desire to play with their 40 “friends” from a queue syncing community. Hiding behind the idea of “Faction Purity” doesnt hold water anymore when the topic is daily exploitation of game queue party sizes.

I don’t play with them. The goal is to completely stop them, not make it a little bit harder.

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Well then they need to get with the times.

The devs and narrative has abandoned horde v alliance

Most of the playerbase who does any kind of content at all have abandoned horde v alliance.

We’re not in mop anymore.

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The harder it is to perform queue syncing the better, but it may take several different changes to make it as difficult as is needed.

If queue syncers quit because they cant queue sync and die hard faction war fans also may choose to stop playing, it is ok if the result is intended use of the queue system is made common and gameplay for the average player improves.

Solo BG(Blitz) has had 3 minute queue averages for dps players on my relms, it is cross faction, hard to queue sync, and is very popular. Making other large team size pvp modes popular again is worth doing.

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Again, why are we only wanting to “make it harder” instead of stopping it completely?

I don’t know if they can stop it entirely, if there aren’t enough people queuing to dilute them the BGs will end up stacked no matter how well the algorithm splits them. There’s really only one way to stop them and I think the cure is worse than the disease to enforce that one. I think the solutions will likely be to compensate for the points where they’re the most destructive in addition to making it prohibitively difficult.

I dont personally know how to guarantee that many groups of 5 who know how the queue system works cannot possibly end up in a game together. If you do I’m all for it.

Stopping it completely would be impossible. The idea is to make it much less likely to happen to improve the gameplay experience for everyone else and that would be good enough.

There’s diminishing returns when you keep trying to do more and more to make something impossible to do where it doesn’t become worth the dev time and the impacts to everyone else’s game experience to do.


Not impossible, they could eliminate epics but that’d be worse than the present situation though it might slow the loss of new players some. That’s why we have these talks, to avoid the kill switch solution.

We’d have to saturate the queues. Much like what’s happening now in pre-season when there’s nothing else to do but play randoms/epics.

But once the season starts, and players follow the incentives of playing rated, randoms become either you’re in a premade or you’re not. Especially epics which have a diehard, albeit very small playerbase.

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Of course not, there will always be people that will do anything for an advantage, but punishing those doing it harshly is a good deterrence. Slapping them on the hand isn’t going to do anything because they have gotten away with it for too long. Why do you think bots are so common on this game? Sure, blizzard bans them but not often enough, so they just make a new account and go back to it.

Increasing the severity of punishment does little to deter crime.
U.S. Department of Justice

Compelling evidence that more imprisonment does not reduce crime
The John Howard Society of Canada

Research on crime deterrence shows that increasing punishment severity does little to prevent crime.
The Nevada Independent

Research Shows That Long Prison Sentences Don’t Actually Improve Safety

No, Longer Prison Sentences do not Reduce Crime
Canadian Civil Liberties Association

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Are people currently running into premades that frequently currently? Maybe I’ve been lucky or just que’ing later (or as Snowcrest said just the number of players que’ing currently make it harder) but I’ve only seen maybe one premade in Ashran and we won that game against them.
As a side note I would love the ability to blacklist a bg, because I’m so tired of being in Ashran right now. I had 12 consecutive bgs be Ashran before finally getting a break with an AV.

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I consistently saw Common Raid leaders for example Torture and Oca and then the subordinates like Inemia and Iccubus amongst the enemy team / raid who exclusively premade epic bgs.

Ofc I have not been doing level 80 pvp and levelling all my characters before season starts so I can’t speak as to TWW status right now and the amount of premades runnning but during DF it was very common to see.

It’d be hard to prove, too. I do think extreme penalties can serve as a deterrent in keeping the “honest” person honest but an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

Save it for Reddit.

Good comeback. Excellent work.

Says the one using the news as proof that people should be allowed to exploit…

No, I provided research which shows that punishment doesn’t deter crime.

And thus refuting your assertion that harsher punishments is a good deterrence.

Only one of the links is a news agency. The others are government or advocacy groups.