Crossfaction will not fix premades.. And here's why

Where did I ask for people to not play in groups? I am simply asking that they fix the very blatant exploiting of huge raids stacking to give themselves a huge advantage.

And there is the fundamental flaw of 40v40

Explain further because you’re not making any sense.

So, are you just going to troll now? I have asked how it can be fixed, and you have just said it can’t even though they have fixed it before.

They have never fixed it. There have been times that the players spiked and it overwhelmed the number of premade groups. a smaller percentage saw them.

They were always there, there were always complaints, and blizz has let it happen because they get it too. It’s a fundamental flaw to the entire concept.

Sometimes the fix is something new.

That’s not true at all. They put the 5-man group limit and broke an addon that helped people do it. They clearly don’t want it happening. Me and many others are simply asking for it to be fixed and for them to punish those abusing it. Why are you against that?

They have never actioned anyone, that i know of, for pressing Q at the same time as their friends.

Bizz has not made a new 40v40 since WoD.

It’s legacy now. 8v8 is the future.

Well people aren’t just “pressing queue with their friends” so action needs to happen. Do you really think making new modes but not fixing the problems of the old modes will do anything? The exploiters will just find ways to do it in the new stuff. They already admitted they can easily queue sync bg blitz.


As clearly evidenced by the current raiding lineup of:
Story Mode (1-5)
LFR (25)
Normal (10-25)
Heroic (10-25)
Mythic (25)

Every single mode is a replacement for something else.

Oh yeah Warfronts sent a postcard.

So, I guess nothing should be fixed. Just let the exploiters take over the game.

More than one thing can be true at the same time.

40v40 is dead, and unless someone is using some kinda automation, they aren’t breaking the rules to make a group and playing together.

Exploiters do get caught and punished. World first contenders this week.

Blizz is putting effort into the format they think is going to work. A new map with a whole new ruleset, updated ruleset on a bunch of the best maps and a whole new rated solo q system.

I’m sorry it’s not the development direction you like. I had some awesome times in Wintergrasp when it was new. The others too. But it’s always been flawed.

That’s because they are part of something blizzard pretends to care about. Blizzard very much doesn’t care about pvp.

No they are pretending to care and giving us stuff nobody wanted so they keep making money.

Map doesn’t have a new rule set and it’s a tiny little map more like a large arena then anything. Blizzard clearly wants pvp dead because it doesn’t bring in the money.

I honestly don’t know how to have a conversation with someone who thinks an entertainment company does not want people to consume it’s entertainment products.

so I won’t

Premades weren’t really a problem in AV back in the day (after they removed the ability to queue for it in a raid). I never really had a problem with them until starting around maybe Legion-BFA or so that I remember.

While yes, people DID premade, it just wasn’t as common and since AV took SO LONG to complete, you could be in the same AV game for multiple hours or even sometimes the whole day.

Sync queue premades ruin the epic battleground experience, along with Blizzard watering them down (nerfing NPCs, etc).

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Is that what I said? No, it’s not. Pvp does not bring in much money for blizzard. Mythic + does. That’s why that gets the most attention. It seems more like you don’t like my argument, so you are looking for an excuse to ignore it. If you have been playing wow for as long as I have you can tell how things are going.