Cross server grouping isn't a big deal for Classic

Most of us are playing on one of several mega servers. Odds are you will be grouped with one or more people from your server. When I queue for BGs, I see other people from Grobbulus all the time. Players that were literally standing next to me by the Battlemasters. If cross server grouping is good enough for PVP, it’s good enough for PVE too.


Effectively the argument would be it takes away server identity that would be the only argument I could see.

I’m not saying it’s a good argument it’s really stupid one but if anyone were to have an argument against it it would probably be that but yeah I agree.

Cross server grouping isn’t that big of a deal I really don’t understand by everybody has a problem with it.

Then again at this point I would say I think servers are just as stupid idea because I think it just causes more problems than it brings and quite frankly if the justification is a name.

At the end of the day it’s the people you play with and what you do on the server not the name of the server itself that has significance

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“I play on a megaserver so your game experience don’t matter”

In fact you are proving that cross server isn’t necessary, right ?


Earth fury would probably say no. X play is needed.

some may not want to pay. And for whatever reason they don’t get a freebie. I guess 37 alliance is too high. they can run a raid and 2 dungeons at one time. 13 alliance has to quite. then it can’t run 1 raid even lol. maybe then they get a freebie.

It will mean that tanks from mega servers are less available on mega servers. It’s a big deal, because it devalues being with the herd.

Another Shadows coping thread. hope everything is well friend.

If tanks from your mega servers can be easily nabbed by cross server groups looking for tanks then it means that your tanks aren’t needed enough to not share the love around.

funny thing is its showing that great community off if this happened.

the tanks are "merc"ing it now. many request HR and/or flat gold upfront.

so…they will take payment from other server’s people as well their own.

So if this is an issue it means…that tank could not a give rat’s butt about server community pride.

Which I won’t judge. I mean I was in a merc crew in eve. Best you are getting with most standard merc corps is a few months cooldown. Your space soap opera politics, your reasons…not a concern. Can you put money in my wallet? then our swords you shall have.

We work for you. Contract complete. For say 3 or 6 months after…we won’t take a contract against you. At least from the same people you paid us to attack. Common basic term of service is no “revenge” contracts. Time limited, ofc. at 6 months and 1 day, that changes.

Now if some other crew hated yours and paid us…that may not be part of the terms of service in the merc contract. So we could be back in your space. Under less friendlier circumstances in that case.

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