Cross server bgs will kill the PvP community


Cross-realm battlegrounds, by contrast, were added in vanilla. If you’re going to use a slippery slope alarmist argument, at least use something that wasn’t in vanilla as your launching point.


CRBG’s were released on the last major content patch before the TBC pre-launch patch, the patch they’re basing classic off of. 1.12

Dungeon Finder was launched during 3.3.0, the ICC content patch. The next big update patch was the Cata pre-launch patch, 4.0.1, very nearly a year later.

I wouldn’t say LFD was added “towards the end of Wrath”. It was around a year before Cata launched.

By contrast, CRBG’s were added less than 5 months before TBC launched. Its Vanilla for sure, but LFD would be “more Wrathlike” than CRBG would be Vanilla-like.


They found CRBG to be better for one reason or another. The vocal minority crying on the forums won’t get their way.

And honestly, I’d rather actually be able to PvP than deal with hours long queues just to see some twinked out idiot that I can’t beat repeatedly. Or at max level the same fully geared raid characters repeatedly when I’m just starting that stuff because I’m casual.


Well with CRBG you won’t just be facing the geared raiders from your server, you’ll get to face the geared raiders from the other servers in the battlegroup as well! CRBG’s do not curb, or lessen, your chances of facing tough opponents. Infact, it did the opposite for my server, back in Vanilla.

Twisting Nether was low to low-medium pop RP-PVP server that had launched roughly a year before 1.12 was released. When CRBG’s were introduced I started running up against, and teamed with, players from servers who had far outpaced the best geared of Twisting Nether.

All CRBG’s do is lessen your queue time.


I’ve had the opposite experience in my time. You see less geared people simply because the pool is that much larger that the chances are greater you’ll find 'em. But I guess that’s also dependent on how progressed people are on the realms in that battlegroup. But there are always alts and stuff.

I specifically remember always coming up against this warrior and a paladin in the 20s bracket that I could never beat, and repeatedly losing to them all the time, every bg, and sitting in queues. It happened in every bracket. I do not want that experience again. Thus, I support CRBGs.

All it comes down to is how long will you wait for the queue for a realm battle ground(s). This goes without saying and you should know that OP. Are you willing to wait !10 hrs to do a BG if your server was small? Had little to no actual pvp to begin with?


Heh, you said exactly what I said, only from the opposite side. You were the horde from the older, more geared servers going “Oh look, these Alliance aren’t that geared! Man I love CRBG.”

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don’t know why they just could not just make battle groups smaller? would help with que times and still allows for some community. make them in groups high horde pop and high ally pop servers together type of matching.

In other words… in vanilla.

A feature added to vanilla being present in Classic, even late into it, is not remotely justifiable cause to be concerned about a feature from WotLK being added.

If you’re concerned about changes being made to vanilla, use actual features that weren’t part of vanilla as your starting point in the argument. Things like sharding, for example.

But to start waving your arms screaming everyone should be afraid that LFD is coming because we’re getting a feature in Classic that was added in vanilla is… silly.


Ok, tone it down there drama queen. All I was doing is pointing out the fallacy in your “by contrast” post, quoting that guy about LFD being “towards the end of wotlk”.

By contrast nothing. LFD was released and apart of WotLK for far longer, more than double the time, than CRBG was for Vanilla. Thats it. Both are creations of their time, but LFD is far more “Wrathlike” than CRBGs are “Vanilla-like”, if only because CRBG was actually released towards the end of Vanilla, unlike LFD.

Where you’re getting everything else from, I have no idea.


Yeah, I was pointing out that one feature came out in vanilla, and another came out in WotLK.

Using a feature that came out in vanilla being in Classic as justification for the argument that Blizzard will add LFD is… silly.

The time each feature had in its respective expansion (or lack thereof) is irrelevant to the point I was making. You clearly didn’t understand the point I was making. I apologize if I was unclear.


Who made that argument?

Edit: I scrolled up to see.

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you are the one crying :disappointed_relieved:. we were always getting CRbgs with 1.12

So you mean vanilla players got priority on getting a vanilla feature in classic?

Seems like you’re the one crying about wanting to change 1.12.

This was in Vanilla, and it didn’t kill it…
Why did you make a post about this?
You are not a smart person… Post should be deleted.

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For me CRBG is a deal breaker. If I am forced into crbg I’m out.


Then you are dumb… that was part of vanilla

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They were in Vanilla dude…


Yep the instant you log into the game you’ll be queued for CRBG with no way to get out of them muahahaha.