Cross-realm trading is temporarily disabled

Still not working post 7/25 restart.

People usually blame devs for bugs. I mean they coded it wrong, it’s their fault, right? Well yes they ‘did the oopsie’, but the lack of time and workforce to test and fix it is on the company itself, thus the shareholders. Like:

boss: i need the whole store cleaned by 9am
employer: but we’re just 2 here and the store is too big. we need more time and more people.
boss: idc dude just make it work

client comes at 9am and see the store is kinda messed up

client: jesus christ this place is so dirty! lazy workers! noone wants to work anymore

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I believe the original question was directed specifically at groupfinder. You’ve been able to do cross-faction raids if you manually form and enter the instance for quite awhile.

Oooohhhh. Makes sense.

I can safely blame the entire control chain, including the devs.
We can blame the debtor for default too, not just the bad creditor.
One is an idiot, the other immoral. Only problem is we don’t know which is which.

You explained everything except for the part that confused me. What does being raised by someones grandmother have to do with anything?

Is that some form of bait?

That seems so random to me.

Oh lol, when you said ‘first part of the comment’ I read like it ‘the first/original comment’.

For what I know being ‘raised by grandmothers’ usually means being spoiled. Still, I also don’t see how it makes sense in this context lol.

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maybe take the game down for 48 hours…
fix everything…we won’t ask for pro-rata.

Ok, just making sure that was confusing for everyone else or I was being acoustic.

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Apparently the stop-gap fix of “disabling” trading didn’t work, because I just got locked out of my toon again today just 5 minutes ago because some Warrior tried to trade me a piece of loot before I could say no. Try disabling trading better next time.


This has literally nothing to do with personal loot. You would be the annoying person spamming my whisper window with “hey you need that?” “do you need that??” “HELLO???” and I wouldn’t be able to trade it to you regardless, personal loot or no. Not that I would anyway… :roll_eyes:

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Considering how insufferable they are here, this really wouldn’t surprise me.

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Still not working as of 3:23pm PST with no update after almost 24hrs on an issue thats been live for over 48hrs.

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Almost 24 hours and no update. This blows.

What shenanigans are the exploiters up to?

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Hey look, Scooby.

pulls off mask

It’s Old Man Miller !

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Hi Kaivax, thanks for the update. I think I found another glitch related to the new functions and thought you could probably get the information where it belongs, if they’re not already aware. I have a guild bank that I use for only my characters, where I save up gold and store items for my account. Since Tuesday every attempt to withdraw gold glitches to where my character doesn’t get the gold, but the money log shows the gold being removed. I’m concerned that when the time comes to purchase my monthly token I won’t be able to access my gold, and even trying makes the gold disappear.

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heading toward 48hrs no update, 72hrs unresolved.

Mannn is this still down!? Its friday… probably wont see a fix til tuesday reset.

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Im interested in this too, i was given an item on my first dungeon, the other person said it was gone from their bags but not placed in mine…