Cross-realm trading is temporarily disabled

Would this effect AH sales that ended up cross realm?

How long until it is resolved?

Yes, every time I teleport I see this

Great. I wish I knew this sooner. Some guy on Terrokar owes me some gold and a few bundles of wool.

I thought he was making that up. I tried to pay some hitmen to kill him for me, but the payment didn’t go through and now they’re after me! Great work, blizzard. really great.

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5 days and still no news???

Agreed. I expected at least an ETA on the Fix This week. Depressing none the less

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Looks like it is fixed now.


They confirmed its fixed?

As far as I know they did not confirm it. I just tested it out and the trading worked.


I’m seeing this so late, but I ended up having the item mailed to me. I’m sure you did too by now!

This must be why I couldn’t receive the Ravenous Black Gryphon mount from a friend.