Cross Realm Mythic Release - Alliance @ 98/100

Honestly, I don’t know what they could do without mass outcry. Imho… we’ve saved the world repeatedly together and this faction war is extremely forced… Just open up cross-faction raiding and be done with it.

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Cross faction everything?

I personally wouldn’t be opposed but I’m curious how others would feel.

The thing with the cross realm community is that if they see a person is 8/9 mythic and has had x amount of pulls on jaina the alliance guild might be willing to take them on. For example if the puggers raid does raiding on wednesday, thursday and friday but they still do not have it down the pugger may choose to join on the weekend pug run for that kill just to get her down or get more pulls in so they can then take that experience to their guild. It happens alot on heroic so I think theres a small yet viable chance this can happen on mythic.

I race changed my hunter to ZT and can count on my two hands how many times I have used Regeneratin’. The racial is beyond useless in PvE compared to passive healing.

Impressive feat considering trolls lack a few fingers and toes.

According to whom? I didn’t know I would be inviting the alliance players with 1/3 the kills once xrealm opened up. News flash to me. Horde is probably going to be at 300+ kills by the time the alliance reaches 100. The alliance and horde cannot interact with each other so they definitely shouldn’t be dependent on each other.

Ghuun also needed to be nerfed like 3 times before alliance guilds killed it. End of tier ghuun and start of tier ghuun are hardly the same fight.

Maybe - Alliance is now at 51 Guilds with 9/9

Raider IO has 196 Horde Guilds at 9/9 Mythic
As of today there are 62 Alliance Guilds at 9/9 Mythic

Keep waiting

I totally agree here. Racials are little reason for regular subs to swap.

I agree here. The only reason I would ever consider swapping to alliance is if the story is compelling and the races are unique. I am not interested in playing a fantasy mmo as a human, short human, fat human, or short metal human. Its not interesting to me.

You see I agree with this. Issue is that I have developed a nice cross realm raiding and mythic plus group by combining multiple guilds across servers. Its nice to have us all together attacking content. We have been doing this for 18 months now but do not want to server transfer as these guilds are very old and a big part of our individual realms; there is too much history and autonomy to let go. On top of that there are the server transfer fees that can basically pay for years worth of wow subs should we all transfer. My guild alone has almost 1000 members thanks to our GM. So its not worth to realm transfer and we are limited to playing cross realm mythic until this is released. And sadly the alliance are severely lacking.

Alliance are at 94!

So, in other words, you’re angry that the mythic crossrealm capability is going to open sooner that it has in any previous expansion, said a bunch of “not quite true” things, but are saying alot of words very strongly to try and just kinda play it off…

“Until then I am just considering unsubbing.”

Do it, or you’re just a bunch of talk.


LOL why do you sound personally offended and hurt at the fact that it takes alliance 1-2 months longer to do anything. Want a tissue?

Fact is the game has lost many interested players because of a slow opening of content and i have found myself playing other games until this gets released. It is not wrong to state the truth and its not wrong to let Blizzard know your thoughts on how a system is working out. Maybe you should go back to grade school and get some reading comprehension because you clearly read three lines and considered yourself am expert at my opinion.

So you play another game for 2-3 weeks which is basically the length of time between when you started this thread and when mythic cross realm raiding will open. You obviously didn’t even unsub so I am not sure blizzard would care enough to change things.

It’s called a soft unsub and I never said I would 100% unsub but rather was considering. I decided to stick around and help my guild and community get AOTC on their mains. Why don’t you crucify me for that? Oh wait you are…

I basically stopped playing aside from helping out Guildies and friends on scheduled raid times. I’m just waiting for this and have been tracking this each week. Blizzard already stated that they look at how much time players spend in the game and what they do. So if they look at my account that is what they will see.

I feel that this achievement is a fine place for cross-realm mythic raid access. It makes me happy to see the horde suffer like this, as it’s one of the few things allowing the alliance to have any mythic raiders at all.

If you allow cross realm mythic raids off the bat, you kill the leaderboard since it’s designed to be a guild-level achievement tracker.

If you allow the horde access to cross-realm mythic raids the moment they hit 100, but deny the alliance access until we hit 100, we will simply never see any alliance mythic raids. Ever.

If you allow everyone access the moment the horde hits 100, the alliance will never fill their leaderboard. We will hit 10 or so and then stop. And after that the attrition will only get worse.

If you want to get access faster, roll some alliance alts and join some alliance guilds. Or, just join the alliance so that we get to 100 faster.

You are doing this to yourselves by all dogpiling the one faction.

From my point of view you made a huge fuss about nothing. If you were so anxious to mythic raid in pug groups I am sure with a little effort you could have put together one on your server grouping.

Even better, if it was so important he could have jumped factions and helped the alliance fill our 100. There’s nothing stopping him from playing both factions.

If you totally ignore the desire to play with your cross server friends sure maybe I could put together a group of 20 after waiting on the que for hours…OR I can play other games that let me play with my friends. And I decided to play those other games. I do not change a single word of my original opinion here. Other games let you play with friends at the highest difficulty off the bat and currently wow does not, it time gates you behind other players achievements. Which means I and many other players decide to go to other games until this restriction is removed. Considering the apology tour ion has given a of recent in his interviews it kind of feels like a lot of players have left the game. A part of that is because the semi dedicated have little fun to do until this is released.

You know one thing I have learned from BFA is that Alliance want things handed to them. They want free gear for pvp, they want insane bonus experience for having war mode on, they want to force a mass amount of players and guilds to leave the horde and join the alliance by restricting game content and they want Big Daddy Blizzard to give them the strongest racials while destroying anything resembling fun from the horde.

I would much rather play another game with my friends and sip my tea waiting for the alliance to finish than force myself to make an alliance toon to mythic raid potentially against my main horde toons raiding hours. It’s not worth it and if you read anything I wrote you would know I do have a job and a life to live outside of WoW. So no I won’t work 3x as hard to help the alliance. That makes no sense for me personally and you suggesting it is more of a symptom of the alliance wanting the scales tipped in their favor.

If you wanted to play with your friends so much doing mythic raiding you would already be on the same server. That could be a project for you to work on next time alliance isn’t killing things fast enough for you.

lol, so you go back to hating on alliance even though you edited your opening post you just have such bias.

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This has been beaten to death and I have many written statements on why that won’t work. In short it is easier to just play other games with them and let wow die slowly as the content lags due to the slow pace of the alliance.