Cross Realm Mythic Release - Alliance @ 98/100

It isn’t supposed to be one on one. It’s to supposed to be an analogy lol

Analogy - a thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects.

It has to be a lot closer than your comparision to be an analogy.

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We are not going to hit 100 kills before next raid lol


High end raiding has always been a guild thing. This content shouldn’t be easy enough to get a random pile of people and blow through it. Why do we need to kill a boss a certain amount of times before the next raid?


Then blizzard should consider doing something about faction imbalance not add to the problem by keep making horde racials OP.

They need to really give something to alliance to draw people back.


Are we really pulling a racial card when both sides have access to the same racials this tier? Come on now.


This was their idea to help the faction imbalance.

It clearly failed lol

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Clearly there is a fear that random pugs would overthrow guilds here. However if guilds with a consistent roster cannot do this in the first few months after a raid is released I would argue that it’s harder for pugs to do this. And even if they do who the hell cares what other players do? Just let the players play the game and stop trying to have an elite restrictive model that forces people to pay for server transfers and make them abandon their friends in the current guilds they are in.

Honestly, I don’t understand the restriction. It seems like a very asinine requirement just to open up the doors to Cross Realm Mythic raiding.

We have CRZ in everything. Why restrict this little niche of the raiding community?

To be a static team, you don’t need to be in a guild group.

All that means is you’re playing with the same players. Pugging doesn’t necessarily mean you are playing with strangers, so to speak.

Only that they aren’t in your guild.

I’ve been in two guilds between Cata and Warlords that did this type of pugging.

We still had a static team of the same players every week.


PUGs have an extremely low success rate on HEROIC which has flex raiding. Good luck getting pugs to get past Jadefire. They can maybe brute force their way through grong after everyone is 410+, but I doubt they would ever have 15 people alive on Jadefire 40 seconds into the fight.

PUGs already generally take 3 tanks to Champions of Light to make probably the easiest mythic boss in the past 3 expansions as failure proof as possible because you can’t even trust PUGs to do the easiest mechanics in the game.


It sort of feels like Blizz did that to prove that talking point of the Alliance wrong- or to give Alliance an ‘equal’ shot this time around.

Reality is- it’s not the racials, it’s just that more serious raiders have flocked to the Horde, and more of the best raiders are on the Horde.

If the top five Horde raid guilds all suddenly changed to Alliance- they’d still be getting world firsts, even with this alleged weaker racials issue. It’s not the faction, it’s the players.

It’s definitely a bit disappointing though, since the guild I run Heroics with are on another server I simply can’t do mythics, and I have no desire to server change for a single thing.


It was what caused the problem to begin with and how did both sides have access to the same racials ? How do I get troll racials on my worgen ? Did I miss an change somewhere ?


How do I get troll racial on my hunter who was a Nightborne until 8.1.5? Alliance had access to troll racial for Jaina if they all went NElf. Its too bad I am pretty sure zero alliance guilds were on Jaina before Voodoo Shuffle was made baseline for the fight anyway. Alliance guilds were busy being stuck in middle 3 where they have much more wiggle room in their racials than horde guilds do.

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Lol horde had alliance racials during three of the toughest bosses of the raid and I didn’t see any of them complaining. The biggest complain I made is that I lost my mog appearance and look like a wannabe alliance human with no sense of style. The racial was barely an issue.


I guess I am going to have to look this up because I really don’t know what you are talking about, it is almost like you think people should all pay for race changes at that point in time. Surely you can’t be supporting that as some form of fairness?

In any case, the other poster was correct. The damage was done long ago because the horde racials were better and a lot of the better guilds/players went horde because of them so now they are still there.

Which are the three toughest bosses, you claimed the last three are easy so which are they now ?

You’re right, it may be a demographic thing.

When WoW fist came out, it was always assumed like this…Alliance were more young players and women and Horde was comprised of men and more mature players.

So take that assumption to today and you’ve got what is pretty much why more mythic raiders are Horde.

In all my years, I have yet to ever see as many women play a video game as much as WoW ever again, and you can’t tell me otherwise that since WotLK the amount of female players has trumped male players each year.

I had a point, now I don’t care, but I am going to press “reply” anyway.

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Maybe my wording wasn’t perfect. By three of the toughest I mean to say in terms of the tough bosses pool which are the last 6, the middle three certainly posed a huge challenge and most people say that’s where the “real” mythic starts. So I meant to say that these three middl bosses are very hard yet horde didn’t have issues using alliance racials.

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Maybe ye’d do better to cry for faction balance every tier, rather ‘n sheddin’ tears about Blizzard changin’ their rules, eh?

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When I started this conversation the racial I was thinking about was the new one with the Zand Trolls. I agree the existing racials were pretty close but that wasn’t the case years ago when most of the switching was done. They should have let the human racial alone in WoD and things would have been a lot more equal now.

If you remember a lot of players had switched to alliance for that racial and horde players were complaining their ability to compete was hindered. So blizzard almost immediately fixes things for horde - alliance is still waiting on the fix now.

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