Cross faction dispelling needs to change

They have this game called retail in that game they fix things and even add new things, Maybe that game would be a better fit for you since you seem to be a little whiny baby, and cant handle classic.

only an irl manlet would be insecure about their wow char. I’m 6’4 and play a dwarf hunter because they are the best. Imagine playing a goofy looking elf.

I’m confused – isn’t this the reason that dispelling is in this game (so that you can use it to dispell enemy buffs)?

You don’t like this feature of the game, and want it changed?

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I lack imagination. Yes, in real life I am an 8 foot tall female tauren.

You can’t imagine the trouble I have with keyboards!

You right “IT” needs a change.

Go back to retail or reroll pve server you soft lock.


Yes, + make it instant-cast and have a 100 yard range. I support this change 100 percent

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Horde are toxic, on most servers you are the dominate faction, you use your superior numbers to bully and kill everyone you see, you’re pathetic.

Alot of players rolled dispellers purely as a way to get back at horde in the same manner of unfairness and antagonize them the same way they did us.

You talk about what’s fair and honorable yet you all sit at zg isle all day long in huge packs killing solo players trying to hand in quests.

Hope you get dispelled on the way to raid this week, my guild has an army of night elf priests sitting in brm and kargath to dispel your guild :slight_smile:

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It’s PvPing. I’ve addressed this many times, in all of these threads. I agree that it’s distasteful, but that doesn’t mean it’s not allowed. This is one of the many reasons I don’t play on PvP Servers. The distasteful dispelling, ganking of low level players and being camped, over and over, again is not cute. But, it’s an acceptable form of behavior on said servers:

Common Problems

* A player is camping me

The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.

World of Warcraft Classic

If you do not wish to engage in regular PvP combat in WoW Classic, you must create your character on a Player versus Environment (PvE) realm. On a PvE realm, you can freely choose when you want to engage in open world PvP combat by enabling or disabling your PvP flag.

If you chose to create your character on a PvP realm, Game Masters will not address situations where you are repeatedly killed by the opposite faction. This includes situations that may be considered dishonorable


Excellent ideas. I would really like to see you take your place on the development team.

As if the game isn’t easy enough already, now you want Daddy Blizz to protect you from any risk of losing your free buff.


I mean, that’s the point of a pvp server tho ain’t it?


Not in my mind.

It’s almost like Blizzard didn’t intend for every world buff to be stacked together including cross faction buffs like WCB…

In other words PVP servers are working as intended.

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I would rather they remove world buffs upon entering an instance, then I can raidlog even easier.

as you might be aware, war crimes are possible against the opponent’s soldiers.

i’m not sure why this is a hard concept.