Then why keep this game named World of Warcraft might as well just remove pvp and make this Everquest. You need to understand the base model of the game. This isnt lets hug it out this is a game based upon war.
Because you can have war with enemies other than the opposite faction.
Just update your fantasy to include mercenaries.
Again not what the base model for this game
If you want a base model experience, I suggest Classic.
Although, even that is starting to move with the times.
No its turned the game into everquest
Then it might be better if you found another game rather than malding over your inability to evolve.
Maybe you shoudl go play another game I got this game because of warring factions again what the model of this game is based upon. You want cross faction play go play something else. Why change something that has been fine for 20 years
And the game has moved on, you’re trying to drag it back to where you want it to be.
Um likewise
you guys who have asked for this have brought the game to the crap it has become. You want to war with horde and alliance thats fine go PVE but stop destroying PVP and what little we have left
Naww, diddums.
The change was supposed to make queue times better and I tested this a lot today. Alliance bg queue time got up to 21 minutes with no pop if I was the leader in a group of 4 on an alliance toon which made our whole group alliance. If a horde toon queued us around the same time, the queue was 3-4 minutes. It doesn’t seem to have accomplished the intent of lowering queue times. If this is the case then again, it pushes the need for just RED vs BLUE with mixed factions. I’m fine with facing premades or players of equal or greater skill w/e, just let me play with my friends on my own class while I do it and keep the queue times low.
RP wise it’s better. Unfortunately the lore is destroying faction war and all that’s left is old BGs like WG where there is a hint of faction war. There’s simply no point in even saying “For The [insert faction]” today. For what, exactly?
If Blizzard is not bringing faction war back after The Last Titan I think they should bring more neutral BGs, unfortunately. It’s a mess to have orcs on the Alliance side in WG or vice versa. Very wrong.
The whole point of the change was to:
- Increase Unrated Battleground Participation. This would be done by:
- Lowering queue times for players to enter bgs by not restricting explicit factions to queue against each other. For example, Alliance vs Alliance or Horde vs Horde bg should now be possible.
- Greater pool of players to play with / against - by not restricting factions you have a whole plethora of new community to play with and become friends with potentially.
- Counter Queue Syncing groups - no one wants to face a double premade and get smashed without even a fighting chance.
- Team Balancing - By eliminating queue syncing, parties or solo players can have a more on-par experience that is competitive and not needlessly dominant.
If we can have all of the above WHILE STILL being able to play the class that we chose to play, then it is an absolute net win for everyone involved. This is extremely doable and should be a quick change to implement.
From what I know, devs can use spectator mode to watch games. They can tell which ones are fun and which aren’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if they even make bets on who will win!
Do you run PVE dungeons solo? Is it hard to find a group? Just form one for bgs and turn on your built-in WoW comms to chat.
Widely regarded as maybe the single worst feature ever added to the game next to the selfie camera (an entire patch) btw was a selfie camera and party sync all contenders for most illy thought out and worst implemented features ever.
That’s why nobody uses it and uses discord or something else instead.
Also maybe another reason is cause some fried stuff usually gets said in discord but it’s on a service that is away from blizzard jurisdiction so it’s fine. The same could not be said of it was on their built in voice.
Lol, Haha, LMAO, ROFL, SMH
I pay my monthly sub so that Blizzard can say ‘k thanks for your money Mr Worgen, you now Troll’ when I enter a battleground?
- True, in the sense that it makes it easier for friends to queue together regardless of their faction.
- Unsure. It would still depend on which faction is essentially dominant. Assuming alliance is the faction that has merc, it might improve queue times if ‘alliance groups’ are queuing merc/horde.
- Unsure. BG participation overall would have to increase noticeably for this to be true.
- Unsure. Premades in epic BGs still seem to be running fine from what I’ve seen. Maybe for regular BGs it helps match premades against each other? Someone would need to confirm.
- Not true. It doesn’t eliminate queue syncing nor guarantee soloers games that are well matched. As for “parties” wanting to play see #4.
This is irrelevant if it changed to not work like mercenary mode as I suggested. If implemented simply as RED vs BLUE then like I said, a team of 8 alliance + 2 horde could play against a team of 6 alliance + 4 horde if that is the player pool at that time. We ALREADY have mixed faction in Rated BGs, Blitz & Arenas…
Follow the RED vs BLUE scenario down through the rest of my points and I believe it holds weight.
The system could even try to “smart sort” players based on honor level to group together more so newbie players aren’t facing glad levels depending if que times are low enough to justify it.
Again, current que times still suck if you’re queueing as alliance so it appears how they have implemented this didn’t address anything in core functionality. Merc mode was a lazy implementation that we didn’t want and already had, it just skips the step of having to go and talk to the NPC to turn merc mode on…
Most of my fun comes from 1v1s in BGs - and I always pick the people with low Honor Levels (1500 or below) because I dislike true competition, and they’re easy kills. I am not a fan of sorting by Honor Levels.
Besides that - It will never happen.