Cross-faction alliances and two-faction players. Are those allowed?

Well, yeah. I suppose there was a lot of competition for GM jobs. It’s something that I could imagine almost anyone who plays WoW would consider to be worthwhile.

Uh… no. Far from it. Especially with modern WoW/Blizzard.


Contract workers are not exactly employees.

OK. This is your opinion vs mine. I don’t know either way who is correct, or if either of us are.

They weren’t contract employees. Ythisens is the most well known for sure, and he was the biggest positive influence to heal Blizzard’s image in the eyes of the players and his position was reopened a year later with more responsibilities for the same pay.

No, it’s completely wrong that anywhere near a majority of players would consider being a GM worth it.

Considering I had to google “Ythisens,” I have no idea. I’ll assume you are correct, but if somebody asked me to support your claim, I’d say “It’s just something someone said. I don’t actually believe it.”

Umm, in this case, I’ll actually have to ask you to support your claim. Otherwise…


You are also misquoting me. I did not use the term “worth it.”

Just because you don’t really post on the forums (or didn’t when Ythisens was active) doesn’t mean that he wasn’t influential. He was the one who made the master list of player grievances that Blizzard is using to sell Shadowlands.

Players wanted more active and transparent CMs for years. Ythisens was not only active, but was the one working hard to try and connect the devs to the players so there was a dialogue. And it was working.

Your claim is that the majority of players would see being a GM as a positive thing. I am rejecting that claim because it is purely illogical and not at all accurate. Not everyone wants to make WoW their career, especially not when their career would be customer service.

Have you worked in customer service?

EDIT: Worth it, worthwhile. Same thing.

Sure. Do you feel that something I stated makes that claim? I sure don’t.

Like Ghostcrawler? Seems to me that’s one of the worst things ever to happen to WoW. I could be wrong. But yes, people will make noise. That doesn’t mean that listening to the noise they make will be good for the game.

On you to show that.

You could quote me, that might help. Rewording someone’s words isn’t (in my opinion) a signal of a good faith conversation.

^ What precisely is your problem with my statement?

Yes, I have.

No, they are definitely not.

Worthwhile is more akin to meaningful, whereas “worth it” could be considered a fair trade of value. These are fundamentally different terms, with regards to meaning.

You suggested that because you’d never heard of him, it wasn’t relevant to your point. Or at least that’s what I got out of it.

Ghostcrawler wasn’t a CM, he posted on the forums but was more influential at Blizzard. And yeah - players did want Ghostcrawler back when he left. Ghostcrawler was far better than Ion has been.

Ythisens’s masterlist being used to sell Shadowlands suggests he was making waves. And it certainly made him endearing to the players.

Do you really need me to spell it out for you that it’s not something an even minute majority of players would want?

And you think there’s a lot of competition and desire to be in a customer service position… why?

Seems pretty similar to me. Unless you’re suggesting there’s a majority of people who would be willing to take a terrible job because they find it remotely fulfilling.


Here’s what I stated:

I don’t know this information. You haven’t provided any sources to support it, so I can either take your word as fact, or question it.

I opted to go with the former, but with the caveat that that leaves me without any knowledge or information to support it should someone question me.

Ghostcrawler was potentially the most destructive force to hit WoW. Listening to the players is what lead to everything that Retail is. If you feel that’s worse than Classic, then you know who to blame.

If you feel it’s better, then yes, this is a reasonable statement.

OK. Again, I have no idea what you’re talking about here. I’ll take your word for it, but it’s rather meaningless (to me, as I cannot take this conversation and pass it on to the next person).

This just tells me that you don’t understand English very well. I won’t bother to help you with this. Learn English, then you’ll understand.

Well, first off, because I’ve spent time in HR and as a hiring manager. Low skilled jobs have a lot of competition. Higher skilled jobs tend to have less. This isn’t something that I would expect anyone who has any experience whatsoever within this capacity to question.

However, if you are questioning this, I suppose I could do some searches and come up with some data for you.

Again, I suppose you don’t particularly have a very strong grasp of the English language, nor how it works. I’d be happy to tutor you, if you’d like to learn.


Esimpure, my tone may be a little rude here, and I apologize for that. Obviously, you have a strong command of English.

However, you seem to have been mistaken about a statement I made, and are mistakenly arguing against not only the meaning of the statement, but now the meanings of words and phrases.

I’d be happy to discuss this with you further, but it also seems like we have drifted fairly far from the topic of this thread. Feel free to make your own thread to attack my statement.

Faction collusion is not allowed but having two accounts is allowed so they are kind of exploiting this niche.
It’s not only PvP but resources, protection and others. It will play a major role in the AQ Opening and Scarab lord quest event.
Unfortunately there’s nothing much we can do about it.

I personally have adapted the mindset - If those players are willing to put in the money, time and effort to achieve all those thing in a computer game obviously sacrificing a lot of their real life, then by all means they deserve whatever they have achieved. Like any other thing in life - the more time and effort you put into it the better the result. As “casuals” (including myself) we cant expect everything to be given to us easily even tho we are not willing to make the effort. Not in Classic at least.
Here’s a link to Bellular’s tweet about it, where he specifically mentions Ythisens being the, “architect” behind one of the biggest draws of Shadowlands for some players.

WoD launched a full year after Ghostcrawler left. WoD was the worst point in the game - though BFA is in a similar position.

A vocal CM that talked to players and tried to make players happy. That’s why players liked him.

Yeah, your wild claim with no supporting evidence is an exemplary use of English.

Sure, if you like. But I strongly disagree with the, “in demand” part of it - there are plenty of reasons why a lot of WoW players wouldn’t want to be a GM. And some of those are pretty closely related to the fact it’s customer service, which is awful. It’s not fun being treated like absolute garbage and being paid terribly.

You keep saying that, but the definitions are virtually the same. Your condescending and dismissive attitude doesn’t change that.

We’re not in an English classroom, we’re not using formal English.

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Yeah, that’s really not a good defense of the expansion. Especially when I’ve heard from hardcore PvPers that MoP was significantly better for that.

lol. OK, well good luck with what you’ve heard. Anyway, if you’d like to discuss off topic conversations in another thread, I’d be happy to join you. Please feel free to create such a thread, and link it back here, but let’s stop this off topic conversation in this thread which is about:

“Cross-faction aliiances”


I also very much doubt you heard that from anyone. MoP was a great expansion for Arenas, but not because it was alt-friendly. WoD was incredibly alt-friendly.

MoP was very well balanced, but Thug-Cleave was pretty dominant.

Yeah, I’ve heard because I stopped caring about Arena in TBC. But I particularly value the opinions of players who have a long history of PvP and whom I know well (or know of due to their impact in the PvP community) over someone on the forums that I’ve noticed isn’t reliable.

The answer was already said to why Blizzard is fine with this - money.

Nice jab.

Grow up! imo.

As if you constantly mocking me for my, “poor use of English” isn’t a jab.

The first step of growing up is realizing money runs the world.

Then what’s the issue? Also, this is my last reply to our off-topic conversation in this thread.

It is becoming extremely common on pvp servers. Its getting super annoying “bro stop killing my ally char” “truce truce stop killing me”. Smack talking, to many spys. I’m trying to game here not deal with politics. They are cheating the system.

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