Critical WoW bug with AMD drivers

There is a critical bug within WoW somewhere that causes the amd driver to full crash and retart. This will lead to either a driver restart, pc freeze, and always causes the game to freeze/crash.

This happens in specific encounters, I’ve noticed it happen the most for example in Halls of Infusion on the first boss, when he does he powering surge and drops the pools around players.

Also noticed it on second boss of dawn of infinite, and various other M+ dungeons.

Yesterday I literally RMA’d my Radeon 7900 XTX with a new card from the manufacturer because I thought it was a defective GPU. Even with the new RMA’d card the crashes are still occuring. This is most certainly either a problem with WoW itself, or the drivers from AMD.

I’ve already reformatted the PC, turned off Gsync, disabled MPO. And running no overclock. and RMA’d the GPU with a new one from manufactuer. (Problem can be remedied by playing in DX 11 - no crashes)


Did this just start happening when it wasn’t on an older driver? You can always do a clean reinstall of the old driver if so until the new one is fixed.

Beyond that, I can’t really find any widespread complaints of issues with crashing. Your issue might best be looked into by submitting a ticket with an msinfo so that potential software conflicts can be looked into a little more deeply, but you can start by posting your dxdiag here if you highlight it and hit the </> button when posting it will help it be more readable.

Ive owned this card for 3 months, but in like the past month ive noticed it happening way more frequently. My hardware is new and updated bios and everything.

AMD 7800X3D cpu,
x670e board
6000 MHZ cl30 ram
7900 XTX Gpu
1000W gold power supply.
crashes only happen in WoW , and only in dungeons.

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Investigating this issue, I am not seeing any outstanding known issues with your GPU. A Timeout detection and recovery (TDR) could be the source of your issues given what steps you completed with no change. This occurs when the GPU does not respond to Windows on time or reports back an error has been reported by the GPU. The goal of this process is to ensure the PC doesn’t crash so the program is crashed. AMD drivers may detect it and report an error occurred.

As for sources of this error it will require some troubleshooting the 5 main sources are:

  • Driver issue
  • third-party software conflict(Think overlays, overclocking software, streaming software or any directx software in general.)
  • Overheating GPU gets to a point it starts to bit-flip data becomes incorrect.
  • Unstable Power Delivery from either the power supply or motherboard.
  • Faulty hardware of the GPU itself.

These are out side of our scope of support given the steps you have already taken we recommend to consult with the GPU manufacturer. As other issues could cause a TDR error such as unstable power delivery.

Thank you.

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It happens at specific encounters and dungeons, like I said on first boss of halls. second boss of dawn of infinte, it doesn’t just randomly occur. I can sit in valdrakken for 5 hours with no issues. Ive already replaced the GPU with another 7900 XTX. and reinstalled windows. Ive disabled hardware acceleration on browser, disabled MPO, and im not running any other overclocks.

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It is happening when your machine is under higher stress, the particulars don’t really matter.

If you’d like to post some information here we can check some of it, usually looking over a dxdiag and some temperature info to see if you’re overheating is a good start, but as mentioned you might be better off seeking help directly from your video card manufacturer or computer repair place at this point.


This looks to be a driver issue. I’m running an Nvidia RTX 3060Ti and on the first boss of Halls of Infusion, when he did Power Surge, my graphics card got really hot. After power surge it went back down to normal temps. Upon doing some research it looks like the latest drivers from Nvidia are having a lot of issues, so I rolled back to my previous driver, which was from June.

I’ll wait until 10.2 releases before I update again; hopefully Nvidia and AMD have worked out there issues by then.

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Occurring to me too - not specific encounters yet, but open world and is becoming more frequent the further in I go into Dragonflight areas (leveling 6 characters to 60, no crashing, but 2 60+, I’m crashing 1-2x an hour).

7900xt amd card with latest drivers. I tried rolling them back, same issue.

I just resubbed this month and this is so bad I’m debating unsubbing since it’s not occurring with FFXIV, Fall Guys, Destiny 2, or Fortnite (I’m tried to recreate for AMD crash report tool).

Edit: Just crashed 4x in a row in a cave in Forbidden Aisles (I think that’s the zone) - received an error “World of warcraft is unable to start 3D acceleration”.


I thought I was the only one. I have a Radeon RX 6600 and I get black screens constantly. It’s been happening more and more recently. It doesn’t happen with Starfield or SWTOR, so I am sure its a Blizzard issue.


I don’t have a dedicated graphics card, I have an R3 3200g and I experience the same problem in Halls of Infusion, when the first boss starts launching some areas that are light blue and small my fps drops from 40-50 to 10-20 fps, this is a very specific case that does not occur everywhere, it occurs with certain abilities in certain dungeons.

After a great deal of research and testing, I found a fix. Simply change from DX12 to DX11. So far after an hour of gameplay, I have not crashed my drivers once. This is 99.9% a Blizzard issue.


It’s for sure blizzard or amd issue. I have arguable the best gaming PC money can buy.
7800 x3d
7900 XTX,
1000w psu
all brand new. I’ve even had sapphire swap my 7900x for a factory tested card …
I’ve reinstalled windows, reinstalled drivers , disabled freesync and other ideas people had.

It’s…just…WoW. Only game I crash in. So far I have swapped to DX 11 and haven’t had a crash in 4 dungeons yet…will keep updated.

The fact that it crashes constantly in DX 12 is a huge problem that WOW needs to work with AMD to fix.


It seems to be an AMD driver issue. Players with the 7600+ are reporting the issue, and presumably they are using the same driver version.

i set my virtual memory to 6g and the gpu freezes have reduced on my 7900xt so maybe this will help your problem until it gets sorted out.

New amd driver on 9.19.2023.

It is a general problem regardless of which AMD graphics you use, whether dedicated or integrated, I am going with the option that it is a WoW problem directly.

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They make their driver software for the game, not the other way around.

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Nope. I’m having no such issue with a 6950xt and a 5900x.

Not a universal amd issue.


Just happened for me yesterday, multiple times, with the latest drivers as of 10/1/2023 ( in HoI; full crash).

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Same happens to me. Usually only once per multi-hour play session, but tonight it happened 4 times in less than an hour.
7950X CPU, 7900XTX GPU, 32GB DDR5 RAM (EXPO disabled), Win 10, latest AMD drivers.
Below is my gx.log from tonight’s 4-crashes…looks like a bunch of “timeouts” are the problem? This is accompanied by multiple “LiveKernelEvents” 141 in my Windows Event Log. So far, it always recovers, but it takes a minute or two. Oh, and I have two different 7900XTXs that I tried with the same result. I even tried different RAM, a different CPU, and different motherboards…so either I’m super-unlucky or there’s some conflict with WoW and these AMD drivers. I can say with confidence this hasn’t happened in any other game I play. (COD, Starfield, Fallout 4, Fortnite, etc etc etc)

10/4 18:54:30.928  LogOpen
10/4 18:54:30.928  World of Warcraft Retail x86_64
10/4 18:54:30.928  Windows 10 (10.0.19045) x86_64
10/4 18:54:30.928  AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor             | Sockets:1 Cores:16 Threads:32 | Max Frequency: 4.5GHz
10/4 18:54:30.928  31.1 GB System Memory
10/4 18:54:30.928  On AC Power - Battery Present (100%)
10/4 18:54:31.238  Adapter 0: "AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX" family:Unknown type:Discrete vendor:0x1002 device:0x744c driver(0x1f000055fb03f0) location:3 dx11:true dx12:true
10/4 18:54:31.238  	Monitor 0 "Generic PnP Monitor" Size(5120x1440) Pos(0, 0)
10/4 18:54:31.353  Adapter 1: "AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics" family:Unknown type:Integrated vendor:0x1002 device:0x164e driver(0x1f000055fb03f0) location:91 dx11:true dx12:true
10/4 18:54:31.353  AMD driver version: (AGS 23.9.2)
10/4 18:54:31.373  Choosing gpu with monitor attached: "AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX"
10/4 18:54:31.373  GpuInfo: sm:dx_6_0, rt:DXR 1.1, vrt:2, bary:0, mesh:1 pull:1
10/4 18:54:31.373  D3d12 Device Create
10/4 18:54:31.443  DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM UAV support: true
10/4 18:54:32.111  NotifyOnDeviceCreate
10/4 18:54:32.117  D3d12 Device Create Successful
10/4 18:54:32.117  Using shader family dx_6_0
10/4 18:54:32.117  <IsGPUDriverOutOfDate> No
10/4 18:54:32.117  Detected Graphics Defaults: 7 (CPU = 7, GPU = 7, MEM = 7) WindowSize: 5120x1440
10/4 18:54:32.117  GxLowLatencyMode: None
10/4 18:54:32.198  Render Settings Changed. New Render Size: 5120x1440
10/4 18:54:33.159  Render Settings Changed
10/4 18:58:43.945  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 18:58:43.945  Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 1
10/4 18:58:43.963  GxRestart
10/4 18:58:43.963  D3d12 Device Destroy
10/4 18:58:46.963  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 18:58:49.963  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 18:58:49.963  NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
10/4 18:59:34.175  Choosing gpu with monitor attached: "AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX"
10/4 18:59:34.175  GpuInfo: sm:dx_6_0, rt:DXR 1.1, vrt:2, bary:0, mesh:1 pull:1
10/4 18:59:34.175  D3d12 Device Create
10/4 18:59:34.281  DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM UAV support: true
10/4 18:59:34.301  NotifyOnDeviceCreate
10/4 18:59:34.314  GxLowLatencyMode: None
10/4 18:59:37.408  D3d12 Device Create Successful
10/4 18:59:37.408  Using shader family dx_6_0
10/4 18:59:37.408  <IsGPUDriverOutOfDate> No
10/4 18:59:37.418  Render Settings Changed
10/4 18:59:37.612  GxNotifyOnDisplayChange: 0
10/4 18:59:37.714  Gpu state has changed. re-enumerating
10/4 18:59:37.714  Adapter 0: "AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX" family:Unknown type:Discrete vendor:0x1002 device:0x744c driver(0x1f000055fb03f0) location:3 dx11:true dx12:true
10/4 18:59:37.714  	Monitor 0 "Generic PnP Monitor" Size(5120x1440) Pos(0, 0)
10/4 18:59:37.714  Adapter 1: "AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics" family:Unknown type:Integrated vendor:0x1002 device:0x164e driver(0x1f000055fb03f0) location:91 dx11:true dx12:true
10/4 19:40:03.156  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 19:40:03.162  Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 2
10/4 19:40:03.162  GxRestart
10/4 19:40:03.162  D3d12 Device Destroy
10/4 19:40:06.175  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 19:40:09.175  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 19:40:09.175  NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
10/4 19:40:45.179  Choosing gpu with monitor attached: "AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX"
10/4 19:40:45.179  GpuInfo: sm:dx_6_0, rt:DXR 1.1, vrt:2, bary:0, mesh:1 pull:1
10/4 19:40:45.179  D3d12 Device Create
10/4 19:40:45.289  DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM UAV support: true
10/4 19:40:45.308  NotifyOnDeviceCreate
10/4 19:40:45.308  GxLowLatencyMode: None
10/4 19:40:48.192  D3d12 Device Create Successful
10/4 19:40:48.192  Using shader family dx_6_0
10/4 19:40:48.192  <IsGPUDriverOutOfDate> No
10/4 19:40:48.205  Render Settings Changed
10/4 19:40:48.386  GxNotifyOnDisplayChange: 0
10/4 19:40:48.456  Gpu state has changed. re-enumerating
10/4 19:40:48.456  Adapter 0: "AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX" family:Unknown type:Discrete vendor:0x1002 device:0x744c driver(0x1f000055fb03f0) location:3 dx11:true dx12:true
10/4 19:40:48.456  	Monitor 0 "Generic PnP Monitor" Size(5120x1440) Pos(0, 0)
10/4 19:40:48.456  Adapter 1: "AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics" family:Unknown type:Integrated vendor:0x1002 device:0x164e driver(0x1f000055fb03f0) location:91 dx11:true dx12:true
10/4 20:10:21.763  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 20:10:21.763  Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 3
10/4 20:10:21.791  GxRestart
10/4 20:10:21.791  D3d12 Device Destroy
10/4 20:10:24.791  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 20:10:27.792  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 20:10:27.792  NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
10/4 20:11:08.644  Choosing gpu with monitor attached: "AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX"
10/4 20:11:08.644  GpuInfo: sm:dx_6_0, rt:DXR 1.1, vrt:2, bary:0, mesh:1 pull:1
10/4 20:11:08.644  D3d12 Device Create
10/4 20:11:08.727  DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM UAV support: true
10/4 20:11:08.747  NotifyOnDeviceCreate
10/4 20:11:08.757  GxLowLatencyMode: None
10/4 20:11:12.003  D3d12 Device Create Successful
10/4 20:11:12.003  Using shader family dx_6_0
10/4 20:11:12.003  <IsGPUDriverOutOfDate> No
10/4 20:11:12.013  Render Settings Changed
10/4 20:11:12.180  GxNotifyOnDisplayChange: 0
10/4 20:11:12.254  Gpu state has changed. re-enumerating
10/4 20:11:12.257  Adapter 0: "AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX" family:Unknown type:Discrete vendor:0x1002 device:0x744c driver(0x1f000055fb03f0) location:3 dx11:true dx12:true
10/4 20:11:12.257  	Monitor 0 "Generic PnP Monitor" Size(5120x1440) Pos(0, 0)
10/4 20:11:12.257  Adapter 1: "AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics" family:Unknown type:Integrated vendor:0x1002 device:0x164e driver(0x1f000055fb03f0) location:91 dx11:true dx12:true
10/4 20:13:18.690  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 20:13:18.696  Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 4
10/4 20:13:18.696  GxRestart
10/4 20:13:18.696  D3d12 Device Destroy
10/4 20:13:21.707  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 20:13:24.707  Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
10/4 20:13:24.707  NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
10/4 20:14:11.776  Choosing gpu with monitor attached: "AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX"
10/4 20:14:11.776  GpuInfo: sm:dx_6_0, rt:DXR 1.1, vrt:2, bary:0, mesh:1 pull:1
10/4 20:14:11.776  D3d12 Device Create
10/4 20:14:11.843  DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM UAV support: true
10/4 20:14:11.863  NotifyOnDeviceCreate
10/4 20:14:11.874  GxLowLatencyMode: None
10/4 20:14:15.226  D3d12 Device Create Successful
10/4 20:14:15.226  Using shader family dx_6_0
10/4 20:14:15.226  <IsGPUDriverOutOfDate> No
10/4 20:14:15.226  Render Settings Changed
10/4 20:14:15.402  GxNotifyOnDisplayChange: 0
10/4 20:14:15.482  Gpu state has changed. re-enumerating
10/4 20:14:15.482  Adapter 0: "AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX" family:Unknown type:Discrete vendor:0x1002 device:0x744c driver(0x1f000055fb03f0) location:3 dx11:true dx12:true
10/4 20:14:15.482  	Monitor 0 "Generic PnP Monitor" Size(5120x1440) Pos(0, 0)
10/4 20:14:15.482  Adapter 1: "AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics" family:Unknown type:Integrated vendor:0x1002 device:0x164e driver(0x1f000055fb03f0) location:91 dx11:true dx12:true
10/4 20:15:59.429  D3d12 Device Destroy
10/4 20:15:59.429  NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
10/4 20:15:59.758  GxShutdown
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