Crippling Input Lag (?)

Hey there! :slight_smile:

I’ve been experiencing this for quite some time. I just moved and got a new modem/router combo and it persists. The PC is the same and it IS via a wireless connection.

No matter what I do, I experience random bouts of what I think is defined as “input lag”? Here’s an example of what happens:

  1. Everything appears fine; I can run around, fly, dismount, etc.
  2. Suddenly, everyone runs in place OR the new area I’m flying through fails to load NPCs and interactable elements (portals, instances, etc.).
  3. The biggest kicker? Things like, for example, Trade chat channels, zone timers (Wintergrasp battle start clock), etc. work normally.
  4. However, spells are the biggest indicator. I click a spell, it attempts to cast, but never shows a cast bar and just continues the cast animation forever.
  5. At this point is when I ALT+F4.

It will also NEVER disconnect me. I have to manually do it. It just keeps me in this limbo where I can move around and never cast spells.

Latency never spikes. Always 60 - 78 ms for world and home.
Framerate: 183 - 204 (it cycles every second a little eratic)
Bandwidth: 0 mbps

Any help or even a classification of this type of issue would be so helpful! Thanks! :slight_smile:


keeping an eye on this myself 0.0

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Your symptoms are similar to what we’re experiencing over here:


Hey all!

This didn’t fix the issue, but it helped. Figured I’d put it here for future generations XD

On my computer, I have my FPS uncapped. Now, under normal circumstances, WoW/Hearthstone/OW2/Steam Games will sit in the normal range to match my refresh rate, and will optimize for around 240 FPS.

I noticed that, on the ? Menu when you hover over it, the FPS was reaching NEARLY 700 FPS at times of lagging out. I have since gone into settings and capped WoW manually (in WoW’s settings) at 200. Not ideal and not what my rig is capable of, but helping throttle the FPS to stay at 200 or lower has marginally helped me.

Check those settings to see your FPS limits and try a cap.

While the game is not running:

  1. Turn on Vertical Sync in your drivers settings (Nvidia Control Panel, or AMD’s software)
  2. Launch the game
  3. Open Options
  4. Disable Vertical Sync (in game, not the driver)
  5. Disable the Max Foreground FPS option

This will allow your refresh rate to cap the FPS at 240 when necessary, but not go into the 700s in your case. This way you’re not capped at 200.

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The same thing is happening to me as well. It started last night and has continued today. I haven’t been able to play at all today because as soon as I log in and try an action, I will just lag out with the same symptoms as the Author.

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