Crimson Soloist title for top 0.1% in Ranked Shuffle

Society should never cater to socially stunted babies


ranked solo queue will save the game. its what everyone wants. its a good way for casuals to just jump in and play instead of having to deal with LFG.

because as someone who uses LFG for thousands and thousands of games…it is horrible.

and i would need more hands to count all the people i know who refuse to use LFG.


It doesnt have to sound arena rated. Anyone who sees you with it will know what it is and thats what matters.

You didnt get 2.2+ before mid 2013 when MMR and CR were what they used to be, you arent getting a .1% in randoms even with an easier system. that is tough to get. Kennie and Covlol both got their 2k+ when it was still difficult to get.
They are both capable of getting it as long as they dont stumble into back to back doofus teammates in the shuffles.

Not saying those two on this thread are the only two would get it, just picked out an example of two who are very likely to get it, unlike you. You must be Trexx on an alt.

as much as i am excited for a competitive solo q, there’s gonna be rampant throwing/griefing at the top of the ladder.

like Tom wants his friend, Shaman_A, to get top 0.1%, so he subtlety throws rounds with Shaman_B on his team

This is easier to do on the ladder then it would be for solo queue.

They ban people for doing it on the ladder every single season

Also no it isn’t that post is also including the relativity of spec based titles and those don’t exist on ladder yet. Nobody is teaming up with people so untrustworthy that there’s a realistic chance in hell they’ll throw games just to bring you below their buddy sitting on the cutoff

I feel like it’s gonna be hard to get paired with players you know in solo shuffle.

It’s probably gonna be pretty popular.

finally its time for me to get r1 in solo que

I’ve used LFG to get glad BFA S1 before i quit and all of Shadowlands 1-4. It’s toxic, chaotic, and many times makes me question if I’m even decent at the game. Unfortunately - some classes do better with no voice IE warrior and it’s frustrating to die with 0 peels in no voice as a shaman.

Solo Shuffle is more or less the same thing, but stronger damage and better kiting players will sky rocket. I will do good, but I’m unsure if I will enjoy the aspect of no voice at high end - warmup will be nice to have high end solo shuffle games but pushing Crimson Soloist the stress would get to me.

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Huh, it looks like ranked shuffle is going live next week.


the only time i really die is when i trinket wrong. its easier to live as enh compared to ele/restro, unless the other team really knows what theyre doing. then not having a trinket makes me as good as dead.

generally true except at high mmr u will see similar people often

not true, because on the current ladder youre not forced to play with someone who has interest in you losing games

Do you think 3s is anything more than a terrible side game mode? What’s it bring in 10k viewers for the tournaments and a McDonald’s salary for streamers?

SoloQ will help bring way more ppl into pvp and make blizzard more money, 3s is a complete waste of money and filled with a bunch of sweats that cry about everything

Don’t really care what rating I have, it’s way more enjoyable to q solo… wonder what the more popular game mode will be 3s or SoloQ lol

oblivious ret paladin brain bumps 28 day old post to give more terrible opinions

more news at 6

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