I believe Holinka tweeted earlier that it will be.
You and me great minds think alike.
This is awesome news, solo shuffle will take way more skill than qing with other premade rank1 players who have played the game as a full time job for a decade…
Makes me happy to think how dead premade 3s are going to be
You alright buddy?
Please show us where the warlock touched you on this doll
Then you have to take the time of those 6 rounds as well, can take 40-50min for 1 solo shuffle
I don’t imagine queues being longer than a few minutes, even as dps, and they’ve already taken several steps to make sure rounds don’t get too long. There’s also just playing healer for instant or near instant queues.
I guess we’ll see… it’s 10min now and we don’t even have rating brackets yet which would further segregate the queues.
We’re also in a period of inactivity seeing as it’s the end of an expansion with no ranked or incentives to play beyond fun and it being a good source of honor. Provided they do a good job and make honor/crafted gear easy to get in Dragonflight I don’t imagine the mode won’t be popping nonstop for at least the first season.
That argument doesn’t hold water now since the queue is literally instant if you queue as healer. Only way the queue will be less for DPS is if we get a higher ratio of healer to dps queueing in DF.
If 20 healers and 200 DPS are queueing now and 2000 healers and 20000 DPS queue in DF when it’s active, the ratio will still be the same and DPS queues will still be the same.
Neither does 10min qs I just had a 3min one. You’re a big fat dirty lying doomer loser.
Bad day?
I was thinking bout doing the same.
Been like this for healers since day 1 of shuffle.
Time to blow the dust off my MW
a lot more ppl will take a shot at healing and if you’re absolutely horrible at it you can swap your spec while in town so no one can see your W-L as it lol
With a supposed lower barrier to entry with only talents and 2 sets of gear alting a healer won’t be as much as an investment either i hope
Yeah, here’s hoping that the crafted/honor stuff is readily available.
there’s no incentive now
Makes me happy that you have literally zero idea what you’re talking about.
after solo shuffle comes out you will still be stuck 1700 and brainstorm a new excuse for being awful