Crimson Soloist title for top 0.1% in Ranked Shuffle

This might be interesting, I figured they’d kind of neglect to add high MMR rewards.


Can’t wait for all the people who are going to claim they will easily get r1 in soloq while never having a 2k achieve.


This is very good for people who struggle to find partners. Also good for PvP content creators because they won’t have to wait for teammates to log on for their stream anymore.


Yeah, I think Shuffle will be good for the streamer viewer thing because you’ll have people able to actually hop on and play a spec they’re interested in instead of languishing in LFG for 40 minutes between matches.


finally noone can purposefully deny the meistro r1 by not queing with him!!

This also makes me want to play alts more as I can instantly find queues with people of the same gear and not have to queue into people doing boosts at full gear at lower mmr.


Yeah i will be no lifing shuffle on 10 specs i feel.


I hate agreeing with you… but yes, this is what will happen. Not that they need any help ruining PvP anymore, but this is only going to make things worse. Maybe Wrath will reset expectations for what PvP should be, though I doubt it.

I hate to complain but I honestly think blizzard has dropped the ball and I will explain why.

Firstly, the title doesn’t even sound arena related… why not do something like “independent gladiator”?

This title is for the top 0.1% overall leaderboard which will be restricted to some very specific classes and specs, despite the fact that blizzard already announced that there will be class specific leaderboards. Why not do the top 0.1% of each leaderboard /spec? Why would it be fun if the top 0.1% was mostly all warriors and rogues…?

Also, does this patch finally clarify on if you can get gladiator in solo rated in DF??

I can’t wait to get R1 in Solo Queue!!


If my solo queue rating is low it’s my teammates fault


That sounds gay


Crimson Soloist seems kinda underwhelming as a title though. Isnt Soloist already a title for basically everyone?


Yeah true, it would make sense if soloist = gladiator but you get soloist from just qing.


Soloist is a dumb title. Would be like the title from 3’s being “Crimson 3v3er”. It shouldn’t be named after the bracket, but instead be something similar to gladiator.

Maybe “Crimson Mercenary”
Or “Crimson Champion”

Idk I’m sure there’s others but “Soloist” is really dumb and non-immersive.


Just bring back vanquisher and structure the rewards along the lines of vanquisher title for top 2% and named vanquisher title for top 0.1%.

Honestly can’t wait to log in when im back from work and just be able to queue up, not worry about finding a group and the system puts me into a round of 6 people at my skill level.

Its gonna be so fun man


I don’t know how you think any of that makes sense but it’s not that serious. Also wrath pvp has plenty of its own issues and won’t be “resetting” expectations. People who experienced it before already know what’s up and the rest will get a wakeup call with how unbalanced and clunky it is.

Been doing arena since s3. Seeing the progression of PvP and the constant push to give… every class everything has only made PvP worse… IN MY opinion. I get that other people think otherwise, which is fine.

In wrath, you really had to rely on your team to provide tools that your spec/class didn’t have. Be it setting up for CC or getting freedoms for mobility. Now warriors have 5-10… more gap closers, warlocks can ping pong around the map, every other spec has an immunity, nearly every spec can heal, etc. etc. etc.

Solo queue arena just highlights those issues. Some specs will do well, some won’t. I get that each will be judged on its own accord, but what made each spec unique and strong has partially been lost.


Can’t wait for the stratifying mmr with less queues combining with people queing at specific time to result in a bunch of people who know each other all getting into matches together, griefing players they don’t know, win trading and trolling.

Oh I don’t like you and I’m not near a cut off point or don’t care guess I’ll just rescue you into their team and dash out or just not use my abilities correctly resulting in a situation that is near impossible to moderate.

Completely throws match

haha sorry i’m bad haha

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