Crimes Committed by each Race and Faction

As said.
The plan was to let Mu’ru be captured so that the Blood Elves could enter as soldiers of the Army of the Light.
Whether they are good or bad is irrelevant… Mu’ru being captured was by design.

Yeah, but so what? Are you saying it’s bad that the Naaru saved the Blood Elves?

The results are irrelevant.
I speak of the topic itself.

You’re not being clear.

I can not spell it out any more than I already have.
But my comment is also related to the original post.

I would say it appears it was ultimately self serving of the Naaru and whoever Upper Management on team Light is to ensure Mu’ru sacrificed themselves to restore the Sin’dorei and infuse their font of power with the Light. They are basically being slowly lightforged by continual exposure.

Plus, in retrospect it does not seem like it was much of a sacrifice given Mu’ru likely was sent back to the realm of Light to be reformed again after we killed him in TBC. New lore recontextualizes old lore in such funny ways.

The intention was to redeem the Blood Elves which had no downsides. Going by this, all I can assume is that you’re against it for some reason.

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No, torture is quite bad.
In the context of the post, however, to say that it is some crime of the blood elven race, when it seems that they were “manipulated” into it for the naaru’s (And Velen’s) own purposes… seems way too black&white.


If that’s what you’re against than I understand.

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The Vulpera help union-bust peons as a part of their recruitment quest. Maybe this was already mentioned.

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Not a crime

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Half of these are not Crimes since the Alliance and Horde were at a state of war in Cata. Barrens was infact a warzone and such. The Alliance having North Watch isn’t a crime?
The Kaldorei fighting against the faction who destoryed the world isn’t a crime while the Blood/High Elves are decedents of those very people.

One of the first things the Draenei did when landing on Azeroth was tell people about the legion. as someone who leveling to get Lore Master its a big plot point. Please play through the game because you are just typing random actions calling them crime <3

P.S : The Sin’dorei in the Draenei Starting zone are confirmed to be working with the Horde at the time according to the Exploring Azeroth book and their main goal was to commit genocide against the Draenei like the Orcs.

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The fact that Peons got union busted by the Vulpera is just the funniest thing to me LOL

Right-Wing Furry PFPs at it again XD


Got that right we Vulpera are innocent lol.

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A content creator decided to link this thread on Twitter.

It’s still exhaustive.

Gonna fact check you on that union-busting accusation.

The peons were revolting as a result of poor work conditions. The Vulpera show up, fix their busted tools, arrange a feast, and hand out promotions.

If boosting morale and fixing actual work issues that resulted in the revolt is somehow ‘union-busting’, I’d hardly consider it a crime.

Beating the tar out of Foreman Magrok to put him back in line is just Horde Diplomacy at work.

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Take a hike, bud. The fact that you call it “just Horde diplomacy” means that you’ve normalized the Horde being evil and cruel to their citizens. Beating up a union leader to avert the “risk of revolt,” which is what the quest text says, IS union busting.

Those peons certainly look happy, dont’ they? I have no doubt they’ll return to work in the morning.

However, if their leader goes unchallenged, there will always be risk of revolt.

You need to face him to battle.

Show him the true strength of the Horde, but also the honor that comes with showing mercy.

Christ, it was a joke. But also the peons were happy in the end. Happy workers sounds like a great end result instead of a busted union and still miserable workers.

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Posting a joke with no hint of sarcasm on an online medium where tone doesn’t go through text, and expecting people to get it, is certainly a choice.

And you just edited your comment to show that you were completely serious.

Union busting is wrong, end of discussion. And the Vulpera literally had you beat up the foreman to stop further rebellion, meaning if the peons aren’t happy later, the Horde doesn’t want to listen.

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Right but the vulpera are now part of the horde and do want to listen, so if the peons aren’t happy later they’ll have someone in their corner.