Crickets from blizzard on the queues

They literally said themselves they have no solution they can implement for this. This is an entirely player made problem

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They also said they didnt harass female employees.


defend me blindly on the forums my filthy paypi- I mean my loyal subscriber :smiley:
t. bobby

The only real option, which they’ll never do, is to offer free transfers to a new realm with free (and priority) transfers back to the realm you came from after X time.

Nope, read my initial post or I can copy it here if you want, They did it in TBC then rejected free xfers off and made people pay for it so that option is not an excuse they need to do better.

We call them Type 2 employees now.

Is it his job to be a game developer too? Isn’t that what we are paying them monthly for?

There have been many options floated, some of which are very easy, like guaranteeing future transfers being free.

They have done and said nothing.

This is an entirely Blizzard made problem

If you believe this I’ve got a bridge to sell you

White knighting at it’s finest. Every server has limits. I would assume that they have engineers that tell them the limits. They ignored those limits to boost profits.

They should have capped the servers a loooooong time ago. Instead they took the money. No different than allowing an airplane to get overbooked.

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No, you pay monthly for access to the servers, which you have.

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I listed a 2 easy solutions and 1 harder but should have been done already solution in this very thread, maybe you should open your eyes?

And pray what solution do they do? I wanna hear them. If it’s just “raise the cap” well i got some news for ya, if they raise it, NONE of you are gonna be playing on those realms, because they’ll be offline due to instability

You’re right server capacity is VERY small for all systems everywhere and noone can the technology just doesn’t exist to handle more than a few thousand people at once! /s

There are multiple solutions but they’re not implementing them because they’re greedy and right wing trolls like you will defend them no matter what.
I’m actually going to put you on my ignore list now I’m not dealing with such a low effort troll anymore

Quote them please.

Or their code is just bad and would need a rewrite.

I haven’t spent any real money that i can remember since WoD, the token buyers do it for me :D.

Ahh nothing like having 10+ garrison alts making me millions, for the entirety of the expansions life.

Many people, clearly do not have access right now, which is why they are angry.

I want to expand on this a bit. Let’s imagine you can only play from 5pm to 10pm every night (server time) and do not work a job where you can remote in or queue ahead.

Lets also imagine this player really wants to transfer, but they have mail on their toon.

With the queues in the state they are in, it is possible this person has never been able to log in to WOTLK classic to even transfer if they wanted to.

This are really messed up right now, and they are, as the thread title says, saying nothing about it.

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here you go fam

Here is where you get tricked. OF “”"“THEIR”""" current technology.

The tech is out there to handle wows server loads. They would have to spend way to much $$$$ and acquire more engineers to handle the work.

Besides, they’re collecting all those sweet sweet transfer dollars. Why would they spend the time and effort?


They have ACCESS, they just have to wait in a line. Why do you feel you should not have to wait in a line?