Crickets from blizzard on the queues

You were given a month in advance to move. They told you that in the post, there is no more room to expand capacity without the integrity of the realm failing.

Yes it was their blunder to begin with, I think we can all agree that it was. But sitting there kicking and screaming like a toddler to let you in, when in fact they cannot is what surely is baffling to me.

You are not denied service, you can freely transfer to a realm. a lot of these destinations are not “dead” as people claim, they are just not as populated as your mega realm. Realms are wholly different in population from back in 2008.

Kick and scream all you want, but they gave you a choice, after the damage was done to mitigate what you are experiencing, yet you don’t and will continue to do so, THERE IS NO TECHNICAL SOLUTION TO THIS, YOU MUST MOVE OR SIT IN THE QUEUE

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And then they said people were transferring and suddenly queues stopped and blizzard never said another word on the subject… THis is their fault and they are obligated to at least provide real data on realm status and health.


Do you see me kicking and screaming? If you read what I said, then you would know that I’ve played every day with zero issues. I’m simply giving you some insight to something you clearly don’t understand.

“given a month” after the issue was already there…

Also, the fact that you actually believe there is " no technical solution" solidifies for me that you are incapable of carrying out a conversation with me.

Sometimes you people are so thick that I actually think you’re trolling.

The technical solution is basically a code rewrite which they won’t do because they have all of like one dev maintaining WoW Classic.

The post was from a server engineer…you cannot be serious. “I will not talk to anyone who doesn’t agree with me.” is exactly what i’m referring to as “toddler behavior.” But please, continue kicking at the door to be let into already a full room. It is quite comical, especially from this age demigraph

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Who you gonna believe, right? Some random on the forums claiming they know it’s an ez fix, or an actual developer of the game explaining that it’s not technically possible without breaking the rest of the game.

Believe what you want, whoever you are :wink:.

Ok, whoever you are. I’m sure you know all the answers that an actual Blizzard server engineer doesn’t.

I’m sure, uh…Trukkles, has deep insight into Blizz code that They are holding back from us. Don’t run yourself out of tinfoil.

Why would they say anything? People will quit over time and the Q will go down. People will transfer and the Q will go down. Y’all act like yall didnt know there was gonna be a Q.

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It’s common sense. It’s a codebase that’s near 20 years old. It was written for physical servers and is being held onto the Shadowlands engine with the coding equivalent of scotch tape.

The only “technical solution” would be a rewrite which they won’t do because that would require an actual investment in their product.

So, engineer’s aren’t wrong? It’s literally programming and it’s not impossible. They don’t want to spend the money.

How is this impossible? lmfao. You also believe if a blizzard employee says they’re an engineer, that they really are? LOLOLOLOL.

I can’t believe you actually believe this can’t be fixed. smfh.

Did I ever say easy? Do you see me making these ignorant posts like many others claiming this? No, so gtfoh with that garbage. You wanna debate? Do so.

It’s absolutely ignorant to act like you have some secret theory they can fix it technically. You are ignorant if you don’t accept the solution they’ve chosen.

People in queue can take free transfer, suffer in queue, or quit. They are locking mega realms indefinitely so it never happens again. Likely for months. You don’t like the solution so you are pretending there are secret solutions Blizzard should try.

You are questioning whether an actual developer is even an engineer, claiming without evidence he is lying to the community based on zero inside knowledge of how 15-20 yr old code works. Get lost.

I’ll take an answer from a server engineer anyday over someone who has no background in any sort of technical field, and it clearly shows. Not only that but throwing insults to boot.

The only people that need “their head checked” is a healthy dose of reality that this is the situation those servers are in. You need to leave or sit in their queue. Now for me, i think the solution would be simple, if i wanted to play the game that badly, but I digress.

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