Crests versus valor

Let’s talk about how trash it is that we have to do trash content to upgrade the gear that we get from the actual content that we want to play. Why should I have to do m+ 11-15 to upgrade an item i just got from my m+20? At least with valor you got it with whatever key level you did and gave the player the choice to do lower or higher content to get it.

Not saying that valor is better than crests, it’s honestly a side grade minus having to stoop to lower content just to upgrade gear.


You dont. Convert your crests.


You don’t have to. There’s a crest converter.


And just so we’re all using the same score card, at this same point in S1, almost no one was upgrading anything with Valor either because Valor was capped.

So unless you got a BiS item, at 12/13 … it wasn’t worth spending the Valor.

ESPECIALLY if that item was a weapon!!!

It’s easy to complain about the new Crest’s system. But don’t be so quick to throw on those rose-goggles about Valor.


I have two complaints about the current upgrade system:

  1. Because higher skilled folks are having to do lower dungeons to upgrade, it’s artificially boosting crappers up, which makes the PuG world painful.
  2. Flightstones are the limiting factor on doing upgrades because who’d have thought they would be the hardest resource to come by?

That being said, you can trade crests down. You don’t have to run lower dungeons, it’s just the more efficient way to do it, and quite frankly I don’t really have a problem doing that myself because I love running dungeons period. I am super thankful for the current system because valor seemed next to useless imo.

Vaskarn said Hi

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People wouldn’t come here to complain about a problem that already has a solution…would they?


Not knowing about the solution is a valid level of ignorance. Having to learn the extra level of humility because you couldn’t just ask the question without a rant … hey, you get what you pay for.


I like the new system. As far as doing easier “trash” content to upgrade gear. MY DUDE! Did you know see how many players where farming +2s for valor after the valor cap was removed???

That said, if I had two complaints it would be:

1 Would like to trade stuff like Drake Crest for Flightstones.

2 Would like to uptrade lower crest to higher crest, like 5 Wyrms to 1 Aspec.

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No. The system was made to specifically avoid such a thing.

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I get that to an extent. But sitting on a crap pile of drakes and those other ones lower that on one uses. Would at least like to trade them for flight stones or cosmetics.

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Someone didn’t pay attention during the crest system introduction quests I see.


I’m adamantly against this. If you want higher crests, go do higher end content. The upgrade system is already letting people cap out at one tier higher than the content they’re doing, and that’s a good balance for things.

I am happy with doing higher level content for higher level crest. Players should be awarded for doing the level of content they enjoy. I just used those as an example. I got like 40 Drakes Crest on me ATM and nothing to do with them.

That said, they should allow us to trade them for flightstone. Becuase doing mind numbing world quest for flightstones isnt particularly fun and punishes those who just do keys or raid.

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I’m unclear why anyone would need more flightstones. I seem to be constantly capped just from playing, without going out of my way to do anything specific to get them.

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Because the artificial cap on them makes it so after upgrading a few things, you then need to stock back up. If your not getting much gear, then you likely dont see a problem. If your chasing gear constantly, then that cap can be an issue.

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Blatantly false.

they’ve acknowledged it is a problem that we need to run lower difficulty dungeons to cap all 3 currencies so wouldn’t be surprised if a fix drops in the coming weeks that gives you the next available crest if you are capped for what you should have gotten.

so doing a 20 after being capped on aspects would award drake or wyrm if you weren’t capped on those. just a matter of when they decide to do these fixes. personally my guess is with the catalyst opening

the fact you can upgrade an item of the same slot for practically free makes crests 1000000x better than valor ever could be tho. it isn’t perfect but best we’ve seen in the game IMO

Yep. I’m always out of wyrm crest and I have yet to reach the cap on aspect crests.

This was also the case with valor.