Crests in Season 4

I killed a dreamsurge powered rare and it dropped a whopping 1 flightstone I was just sitting there like “Who tf is this for? Why even bother putting this on the loot table?”


I seem to recall that my honor gear wasn’t worth upgrading, while my conquest gear required crests I had no realistic way of getting. That’s when I stopped upgrading gear and went back to old content.

The idea that the average player should find it exciting to have to grind out literally hundreds of tiny upgrades every season by endlessly doing content they don’t want to do is weird.

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I thought that was already the goal with the crafting changes. (My lariat is still at 447. I have no idea what I need in order to upgrade it to current. I have no idea what I need to upgrade any of my old gear to current.)

You need an awakened spark to get your crafted gear to the current season(2 for two handed weapons).

Then you use enchanted crests (whelp, drake, wyrm, aspect) to raise the ilvl further.

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Why any cap at all in a season that’s meant to be “fun”?

Not like you have a world first race to risk messing up this time, which is usually why you make changes like this.


The cap seriously needs to be removed! Some of us have really really bad RNG luck going against us and limiting us on how much we can upgrade any given gear severely hampers our ability to progress and push more difficult content. It seems extremely unforgiving in what is supposed to be the last season of the expansion.

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Adding my voice to the ‘just uncap it bro’ train.

Valor was not capped in the last Fated. Why handicap us this season?

DF engagement too good so less need to impress?


Blizz, why do you always hold us back with gated progress like crest and flightstone caps? Is it such a terrible thing if we work hard and get ahead in the game? Do you feel a weakling’s need to try to exert some twisted dominance over us? Like you’re afraid we might have too much fun in the game we are paying you for? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Why is this system being carried over anyway? Jesus.


They have made pretty decent decisions ingame.

Then they do caps like this and I wonder why.

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wasnt SL S4 uncapped
let us merry few have fun


Yes, I would like them to revisit this and reconsider make crests uncapped. Had a look around to see if there was anything on WoWhead.

Why put a crest cap in S4? You guys didn’t put a valor points cap in S4 of shadowlands. Valor points upgraded gear back then.

If someone wants to play a lot and upgrade all their gear then you should let them.

Where, though? A lot of the whelp sources have disappeared from the game. We ran an entire Dawn of the infinite heroic and got no crests. The little plants in the dreamsurge no longer drop whelps, the treasures no longer drop whelps, the seeds no longer drop whelps. The world quests drop two. The dungeons drop a couple. How many hours of play should it take to get to 120 crests per week? Is it only keys that will drop them? we haven’t been able to run any keys yet.

This is just so stupid, right here.

If people want to no-life the game and upgrade all of their gear on day 1, they should be able to. Nothing is more terrible than seeing it in red and unable to earn because of an arbitrary cap because heroic-andy can’t/won’t get gear because they have social anxiety.


I don’t know anyone who actually likes this crest / flightstone upgrade system.

I still remember when you axed titanforging and the response was “let loot be loot”…

So much for that, now loot is garbage unless you grind out 2+ other heavily gated arbitrary currencies.

The fact its returning for TWW is what should be the main concern here, not the cap.



The no lifers will get what they want

The average joe gamer won’t feel bad for not getting capped each week. Has all the time to catch up

The pvp Andy’s can just do their thing

It’d be perfect

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Dang, so this is why I’m not receiving them in my currency when looting… Lost so many due this, especially when running heroics… I was here thinking it was a bug lol. Been back for 2 months after leaving shortly after Pandaria came out. Catching up on things and now a cap. guess i’ll continue working on professions once i hit the cap haha.

Players: “It’s S4, expac’s over. No need for crest caps; kindly remove them.”
Blizz: “Sure … as soon as we recover from ROFL.”

I definitely recommend for anyone that cares about the whelp crests, do NOT open the awakening stone wings. Let those just sit in your inventory. They shouldn’t count against your cap as long as you haven’t opened them. But if you are maxed out and open, you won’t get the crests, they just poof.

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