Blizzard, I’m watching this room fill up with people that cannot complete this quest. It is the MAIN STORY. Tried everything but approaching The First Ascended does not register and we (lots) cannot complete this quest.
NO Addons enabled.
Plain character form.
Walked into hall. (tried flying in too.)
Plenty of reloads, multiple log out/in.
NOTHING works.
exact same thing. I already did this on my main…but it’s not working on my alt?
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i Cannot complete the quest too.
Same issue here. Tried everything that everyone else is talking about. nothing works. I’m not the only player, I can see at least 10-15 other players standing around the same area trying.
Same here, can’t complete
My wife and I are both afflicted by this.
As well. Tried multiple “fixes” No dice. RP happens, Ascended is highlighted, can’t do a thing. 
Same. Way to go Blizzard
Can we just go back to the days of Wotlk when this game and its lore wasn’t a complete mess that is rushed and has 0 creativity?
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So how long before someone actuially fixes this…
same, my bf was able to complete it no problem a couple days ago, but now I cant and therefore cant unlock earthern! cant believe i pay for this. how long will it take to fix? Its the main quest!!
Same here, tried logging out, disabling addons, abandoning quest, still can’t complete this quest and progress the campaign…
This is crazy, Imagine having a PTR & Beta and having a bug in the MAIN quest line -_-
Now I’m stuck 4 days out from S1 on a half completed story line.
Yea same here i completed it on my main but alts bugged
This is bugged for me too, I cannot complete this quest because I cannot investigate the prison. There is nothing clickable, First Ascended is highlighted, identified on my map as the quest object but is impossible to interact with. Plz help.
I’m also unable to complete this on my alt. I’ve tried abandoning, redoing, disabling addons, abandoned + hearthed + logged off for 24 hours… still no dice.
I can do Eastern Stockpile investigated, Central Warehouse investigated… but 0/1 for First Ascended’s Prison Investigated.
When I approach Lillian Voss says “This… changes the situation. I don’t like the look of that huge thing.”
Then Y’tekhi says: "It’s an added bit of intrigue, that’s for sure. Who’s keeping it bound, and why?
But nothing else

I don’t know if this will work for everyone. But I was able to pick up the follow-up quest from the bug lady where Voss was originally. The quest went back to their original location with no direction from Voss.