"Creature isn't tameable"

Your profile says you are survival spec. You need to be a beast master to tame certain creatures.

Then they should be tameable.

For when I see an animal my Hunter instincts tell me that it must be tamed.

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Because they are living breathing feral druids, not true beasts.

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As long as they’re in Cat form then they should be tameable.

… What? How can you do this?! This is outrageous! It’s unfair! How can you be a beast and not be tamable?!


I’d love to know more about this too.

Take a seat, young Skywalker.

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I just want a cool flying fish. I parked my booty on a tree limb waiting for one of those lazy derps to float by and NOT TAMEABLE :sob:

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My reaction was basically that “My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined” meme.

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It still sucks that hunters cant tame the flame kitties or those tallstriders from Zaralek Cavern.

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Blizzard denies Hunters the simple joys…

dont think we can tame druids Yet friend.

I agree horde should be tameable

we tried that, but thrall broke em out of the camps.

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They give Hunters new pets as a distraction from how poorly they have designed Hunters. We need something thing else to do when we are benched.

They gave us hunters new pets, even during the best of times.

Just because we continue to get more isn’t a reflection of class design. It’s just more of the same. Still, there are always beasts or whatever that I wish they would make tameable. Sometimes they get there, sometimes they don’t.

I do miss those challenge tames we got in Cata and MoP though. Some of them were actually pretty fun to do, but I will confess that there were a few that were downright infuriating.

warlocks don’t have a “tame ability” and there are not that many demon types, I do agree that hunters not being able to tame the “beast” types does not make sense

Alright blizz gotta start vacationing the “first post” people going out of their way to necro stuff

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Doesn’t matter, we can tame transformed Druids, TBC taught us that XD.

The creature :worm:

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